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Yoga Mela Festival 2024

Yoga Mela Festival 2024

Ab 8.004,00 SEK



13. Juli 2024, 09:00 Uhr - 20. Juli 2024, 22:00 Uhr



20% discount on all festival tickets!

Europe's biggest Yoga & Sacred Music Festival takes place in Sweden!

Join us at the 7th Yoga Mela 2024!
Experience 8 full days dedicated to peace & a shift in consciousness. 
Celebrate Yoga as a way of life!

  • Sacred music concerts & workshops:

    – Deva Premal & Miten – Mirabai Ceiba – Satyaa & Pari – Gaura Vani – Manu Om – Brenda McMorrow – Visvambhar Sheth & many more
  • Yoga & pranayama classes:

    – Kia Miller – Tommy Rosen – Mataji Simone – Simon Park & many more

  • Collective meditation
  • Kirtan & mantra singing
  • Transformational workshops
  • Daily Satsang with the enlightened Master Guruji Sri Vast

Rejoice with like-minded people and celebrate the beauty, love, and sacredness of life!

Yoga Mela is held in the beautiful nature sanctuary of Divinya – Center for Evolutionary Consciousness – home to an international, spiritual community in the south of Sweden.


Divinya serves as a meeting point for visionaries in the quest of a new ecological paradigm. The Center for Evolutionary Consciousness shares a contemplative atmosphere, providing a nurturing ground for personal transformation and rediscovering life on Earth.

An international community has formed to manifest a living experience towards the enlightened Era, being practically engaged in creating a life in harmony with ourselves, nature and the cosmic realm.

The spiritual center offers experiential education, retreats and festivals in the fields of ecology, yoga, meditation, spirituality, cosmology and inner growth.


Divinya - Center for Evolutionary Consciousness, Divinya , 241 92 Eslöv


Deva Premal & Miten
Join their magical concert and workshop and be part of a deep musical experience.
Mirabai Ceiba
Unite in devotional singing during their profound concert and workshops!
Satyaa & Pari
Sing in Bhakti during a concert and workshop with Satyaa & Pari!
Brenda Mcmorrow
Experience enchanting melodies during a concert with Brenda Mcmorrow!
Manu Om
Join the celebration during a concert of Manu Om!


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    Falls mehr Tickets verfügbar werden, wirst du benachrichtigt (per Email), sowie andere der Liste beigetreten sind. Käufe finden auf einer First-come-first-serve Basis statt. Für mehr Information, hier lesen.

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    Sieh auf der Bestätigungsseite oder in deiner Bestätigungsmail nach. Normalerweise teilt der Veranstalter die Details in der Bestätigungsmail mit oder er könnte dir eine Follow-up-Mail mit einem Link zum Online-Event zukommen lassen. Du könntest eventuell auch die Eventbeschreibung aus Billetto durchlesen, wo Veranstalter beschreiben sollten,wie man dem Event online beitritt. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.

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