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Wed, May 15, Gothenburg English Comedy Night

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Wed, May 15, Gothenburg English Comedy Night

De SEK 165,00



Mayo 15 2019 20:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


Join us for the next Gothenburg English Comedy Night on Wed, May 15 at Scandic Rubinen! More stand-up comics come to Gothenburg to entertain you in English.

This show welcomes headline acts Ger Staunton (Ireland) and Kelsey de Almeida (UK).

The entire show is in English

When: Wed, May 15, showtime 20.00 sharp in 2nd floor comedy room (pre-show mingle from 19.00 onwards in lobby bar) 

Show duration is approx 2 hrs and includes a break 

Where: Scandic Rubinen, Kungsportsavenyen 24, Map: 

Show price: 165 sek and INCLUDES 

-> 1 glass wine/beer alt. non-alc drink. 

-> Entry to see the comedy show 

Only advance tickets here via Billetto are available until 19.59 on the show date (no door sales on the night, only 155 tickets in total available!)

Note: Buying the full 165 sek ticket is the only way to enter and see the show. 

Ger Staunton (IRELAND) is a regular headline act on the Irish Comedy circuit and has already been described by the International Comedy Club in Dublin as “One of the best comedy writers in Ireland.” His material is meticulously crafted and delivered in the kind of playful, tongue-in-cheek style that endears him to audiences of all ages and demographics. “Confident storytelling and meticulous joke structure. Among the finest joke-writers in the country.” - Roisin Dubh Comedy

Kelsey de Almeida (UK) Fresh of a showcase show 'AAA Stand Up Late' for the full run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Kelsey has performed at the legendary comedy night 'LATE N LIVE' at the same festival. He has also recorded a stand-up set broadcasted on 'BBC Radio 4 Extra'. He's won 'Best Joke' in a Mock the week competition and also won 'Best gag' for a online competition in 2011 for Teenage Cancer Trust's comedy benefit night at the Royal Albert Hall.

Then we are back on Wed, Sept 4 after the summer break!

Hire comics for company events/parties/quiz & teambuilding events, see:

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Welcome to - we run monthly comedy clubs throughout Europe and also offer Stand-up Comedy and Quiz & Games offerings for corporate events, conferences and parties. Find out more at 


Scandic Rubinen Scandic Rubinen, Kungsportsavenyen 24, 400 14 Göteborg


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