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Thursday Night Improv: Script Tease

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Thursday Night Improv: Script Tease

De SEK 100,00



Mayo 10 2018 19:00 - 21:00


Every Thursday International Theater Stockholm brings a new hilarious improv show to the basement of café String - in English. It’s the perfect place for some after-work beer and comedy.


This show is a playwright’s dream and an actor’s nightmare! A local playwright writes the two first pages of a new play. The script is kept a secret from the actors until the play starts. All they will know beforehand is what costumes to wear and how to set the stage. The play starts with the actors cold reading the script for the very first time on stage in front of the audience. After reading the two pages the actors will drop the script and improvise the rest of the play. What happens next nobody knows…

More Information:


IT’S, International Theater Stockholm, produces improvised shows in English. Our vision is to provide a fun, warm and welcoming theater experience and international community in Stockholm.

IT’S strives to put on shows that not only entertain, but also move people. Our improvised comedy shows have brought together and entertained people from over 40 different countries. Our show Lost in Translation has won prices including the People’s Choice Award for the Best Show at the Swedish Performing Arts Awards of 2017.


Café String Café String, Nytorgsgatan 38, 116 40 Stockholm


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