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The Body as Reference for (R)Evolution | Gothenburg Fringe Spring Showcase

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The Body as Reference for (R)Evolution | Gothenburg Fringe Spring Showcase

De Gratuit



05 Mar 2022 19:00 - 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


The Body as Reference for (R)Evolution represents a new collaboration in the frame of Perform Europe – an EU-funded project which aims to rethink cross-border performing arts presentation in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way. 

This project emphasises the human dimension, the physical, in times of technology and digitalised dialogues also promoting the tangibility of all senses and bringing live experiences back into focus.

To co-shape the individual Biotopes on location, United Cowboys will host proceeding artistic working sessions. United Cowboys will also take input along to the next presenting partner location in order to fuel the transformative character of this travelling Biotope. Art is a vehicle for change and will not be threatened by conventions.

This durational performance is the culmination of a week-long co-creation process with a combined cast from United Cowboys and local artists. Audience is welcome to come and go as they please during the four-hour performance.

United Cowboys is a collective of international artists under the guidance of a dedicated artistic team. Inspired by a variety of art forms, United Cowboys creates multidisciplinary performances, on the border of dance, performance music, video and installation art, that can be viewed around the globe.

Saturday 5 March - 19:00 to 23:00

Physical theatre, dance, installation art
Length of show:
Durational - 4 hours, audience arrive and leave as they please
Age guidance:


Gothenburg Fringe begins its quest to bring you brilliant performing arts around the year with our showcase on 4-6 March 2022!

And with our main event on 7-11 September, there's something for everyone at Gothenburg Fringe with theatre, music, dance, comedy, improv, installations and much more to enjoy.


Kronhuset och kronhusbodarna Kronhuset och kronhusbodarna, Kronhusgatan 1D, 411 13 Göteborg

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