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Ruf's Blues Caravan 2018

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Ruf's Blues Caravan 2018

Von 250,00 SEK



05. April 2018, 19:30 Uhr - 22:30


NP33 & Galleri Sander har glädjen att presentera RUF'S BLUES CARAVAN 2018

  • Picknickkonsert, ta med egen dricka och tilltugg (ingen servering)
  • Dörrarna öppnas 18:00
  • Lokalen är handikappanpassad


This is not an ordinary club tour. This is the Blues Caravan 2018.

If you've been following Ruf's "traveling revue" since you started in 2005, then you already know that it's about concerts that you just have to see: three fantastic artists are thrown onto the stage - and the chemistry between them takes care of the rest.

Blues Caravan fans have always had the chance to see live new label artists - from Aynsley Lister to Samantha Fish - before conquering the great blues stages of the world. But in 2018 it is time to break with this tradition. This year's Blues Caravan will not only feature a young exceptional guitarist who's just beginning her career, but also two heavyweights whose reputation precedes ...

Ruf Records' devotion to blues means that the tireless hunt for new talent is not limited to the US and the UK. Once again, the label has landed a coup when it signed the Croatian guitarist Vanja Sky. The 23-year-old, who has already made her breakthrough in her home country and the neighboring Balkan countries, embodies the energy of Rory Gallagher, Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan. With her first studio album, she now goes on an insider tip on tour with the Blues Caravan through Europe and the USA.

Many a surname ensures immediate respect in the blues scene. The son of Luther Allison - the Chicago Blues legend who started the story of Ruf Records in 1994 - Bernard Allison continues the family tradition and has already built his own reputation as a world-class songwriter and performer. For this year's Blues Caravan, he can choose from an impressive repertoire that includes the classics "Born With The Blues" and "Times Are Changing", switching between genres as only a true master can.

If you're even close to modern blues, you'll know the ups and downs of Mike Zito's intriguing career. The Missouri-born musician survived early drug problems and became one of America's best songwriters. Few artists can write as eloquently as he did on the Greyhound album released in 2011. In 2012, his path finally took a new direction when, alongside Devon Allman and Cyril Neville, he became the frontman of the Royal Southern Brotherhood - and released two successful albums with the Supergroup.



NP33 NP33, Norra Promenaden 33, 60238 Norrköping


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