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Rock Stage Rainbow Talk Show

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Rock Stage Rainbow Talk Show

De Gratuito



Ago 18 2021 20:00 - 21:00


🗣 This event is held in ENGLISH.

(ENG) The Swedish rock scene is both well known and loved all over the world. In fact, regardless of our low population, Sweden is currently the third largest exporter of music in the world, just behind the US and the UK. But with great power comes great responsibility, so what norms and what ideals do we spread? What kind of message and jargons do we spread, and is it okay to be an LGBTQIA person in one of the world's most influential rock scenes? Welcome to a talk show with artists and other guests, with live music and important discussions about inclusion and equality within the rock/music scene today.

Den svenska rockscenen är både välkänd och älskad över hela världen. Faktiskt, oavsett vår låga befolkning, är Sverige för närvarande det tredje största exportören av musik i världen, strax bakom USA och Storbritannien. Med mycket inflytande kommer mycket ansvar, så vilka normer och ideal sprider vi? Vilken typ av budskap och jargong sprider vi? Vilka strukturer inspirerar vi till och är det okej att vara HBTQIA person i en av världens mest inflytelserika rockscener? Välkommen till en talkshow med artister och andra gäster, med levande musik och viktiga diskussioner om inkludering och jämlikhet inom rock /musikscenen idag.

NB. Due to Covid19 restrictions, you are required to book 2 tickets per order

Organizers: Rock Stage Malmö


- if you have any accessibility requirements (sign language interpreter, wheelchair access, etc), please contact

- please note, this event will be available online. The link to our digital platform is

NOTE: We would like to kindly ask you all, if you know that you are UNABLE to join this event, please cancel your ticket by emailing daniel.g@malmopride.comWe have added a 100kr no-show fee for those who do not attend the event nor cancel their ticket. This is because, if you do not cancel your ticket, you will cost those on the waiting list the opportunity to join  due to limited seating within the current covid restrictions. 
If you want to gift your ticket to a friend, please feel free to do so. 

NOTE: Due to the sound regulations in concert halls, if you or someone you are attending the event with is under 13, you will need to bring noise canceling headphones in order to enter the room. 


Welcome to Copenhagen 2021, the most significant LGBTI+ event in 2021 combining WorldPride, EuroGames, an eclectic arts and culture program, and an historic LGBTI+ human rights forum. And #YouAreIncluded!

Twenty-five years after the first Copenhagen Pride, we will host WorldPride to celebrate and advocate for LGBTI+ equality worldwide. We’ll bring thousands of LGBTI+ people to Copenhagen and Malmö (in Sweden, just a 20 minute journey across the iconic Øresund Bridge) for the most important LGBTI+ event ever held in Scandinavia.


Malmö Live BLACK Room Malmö Live Black Room, Dag Hammarskjölds torg 4, 211 18 Malmö


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