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Nordic Shorts Program: Too Much Information

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Nordic Shorts Program: Too Much Information

Ab 75,00 SEK



25. September 2017, 19:30 Uhr - 21:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Good comedic films are notoriously rare, but this programme of 8 short films contains some great examples that are guaranteed to provide a laugh or two. And while humour is present throughout, serious themes are explored that could be relevant to any of us. Such as what to do when a group of sex cult devil worshippers moves into your apartment block, and what to say when your best friend starts telling you about her problems with her vagina.Good comedic films are notoriously rare, but this programme of * shorts contains some great examples that are guaranteed to provide a laugh or two. And while humour is present throughout, serious themes are explored that could be relevant to any of us. Such as what to do when a group of sex cult devil worshippers moves into your apartment block, and what to say when your best friend starts telling you about her problems with her vagina.

Programmer’s note: Funny stuff, with some out-there animation and a Finnish crowd-pleaser about a sex cult.

Angry Hamster Antti Heikki Pesonen

Tomi is a social recluse who lives with his mother. The young man’s routine is interrupted when his mother takes him to town to celebrate his 23rd birthday. Tomi, who is cynical about the world, is forced to confront his own feelings and prejudices. Is life a complete misery or not? Perhaps this twisted world straightens out if you look at it from an even more twisted angle.

Residence Lisa Enes

Three characters write about their daily lives. A woman stationed in Africa, a mother waiting at home, and a man who spends most of his time alone. Who are we when we write? What kind of impression does an email give?

The Ceiling Teppo Airaksinen

Facing divorce, a middle-aged man, Olavi, retreats to his cabin by the lake. After a few days, he notices that the ceiling has dropped, making it impossible for him to stand up straight. His friend Tuomas arrives and insists that something has to be done, even though Olavi is content with things as they are. The two start raising the ceiling – but which of them is really in need of help?

Social Connection Jan Ijäs

The film dialogue has been copied unedited from online forums. Often, these "faceless" online conversations end up in a very surreal limbo.

Cream Lena Ólafsdóttir

In a doctor's waiting room, an ice cream and soothing music make for a quiet atmosphere. What could possibly go wrong in a health care institution where help is just nearby? The cold and ugly sides of human nature are exposed in the cycle of birth and death. Let's hope the doctor can help.

Wide Sargasso Sea Anna Juhlin & Kim Ekberg

In 19th-century Sweden it was popular to keep living eels in private wells. The eels, blocked from their pilgrimage to the Sargasso Sea, lived to be exceptionally old. An animated and dramatised account of the life, death, and afterlife of one of these lonesome creatures.

Meaningless Conversations in Beautiful Environments Lisa Östberg

Against a backdrop of magnificent landscapes and epic tableaus, banal conversations take place between characters who are comically oblivious of their surroundings.

This Short Film program is also screened on Sunday, which is the Short FIlms Day at Spegeln. You are welcome to buy THE SUNDAY SHORT FILM PASS (125 SEK). It is valid for all 6 short film programmes at Cinema Spegeln on 24 September at http://bit.ly/np_shortsunday

To get it all, THE FESTIVAL PASS (400 SEK) gives access to all open screenings and events during the festival and can be bought at http://bit.ly/np_festivalpass.


Here you will find tickets to Nordisk Panorama Film Festival 2024! 

Nordisk Panorama Film Festival is the annual flagship of Nordic documentaries and short films. Since 1990 the festival has screened the best Nordic short films and documentaries in our competitions and special programmes, awarding the very best Nordic documentaries and short films.


Spegeln C, Stortorget 29, 211 34 Malmö


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