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Nordic Shorts Program: Family Matters

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Nordic Shorts Program: Family Matters

Von 75,00 SEK



22. September 2017, 14:30 Uhr - 16:30


If you want to buy a ticket for this event or if you´re a Festival Pass / Accreditation holder who wants to pre-book,click on the "Get Tickets" Button.

They say that blood is thicker than water, but what happens when family members push you to the edge, disappear without warning or make annoying decisions that you simply can’t ignore?

Exploring how younger children idolise their elder siblings, the hazards of running a business with family and the emptiness felt when a loved one is lost, this programme examines the unbreakable bonds between brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers.

Programmer’s note: Art direction at its very best, some brilliant script work and a heart-wrenching documentary.

A Family Business Carina Randløv

Family - hate them or love them, we are never quite free of them. An absurd dramatic comedy about the institution of family, pretences, things left unsaid and undying loyalty.

My Gay Sister Lia Hietala

Ten-year-old Cleo has a head full of questions: How can I tell if I'm in love with somebody? How do I know if I prefer boys or girls? Ever since her older sister began dating another girl, Cleo has been stirred by new, strange feelings. During a trip to the Norwegian fjords, she starts talking to a young couple and is given helpful advice.

I'm Free Bendik Mondal & Edvard Karijord

On 8th October 2013, Geir Karijord goes missing in Romsdal Valley, Norway. His family is left in limbo - should they mourn their brother and son, or should they hope for his return? The depiction of the family's experience of Geir's disappearance becomes an intimate documentary about loss, hope, and living with unanswered questions.

Piggyolo Malte Pedersson

Gristina, a young pig, lives with her mother and siblings on a small country farm. But Gristina has ambitions. Her biggest dream is to become a beautiful human being. She runs away to a private hospital to fulfil her dreams. But the consequences are devastating.

This Short Film program is also screened on Sunday, which is the Short FIlms Day at Spegeln. You are welcome to buy THE SUNDAY SHORT FILM PASS (125 SEK). It is valid for all 6 short film programmes at Cinema Spegeln on 24 September at http://bit.ly/np_shortsunday

To get it all, THE FESTIVAL PASS (400 SEK) gives access to all open screenings and events during the festival and can be bought at http://bit.ly/np_festivalpass.


Here you will find tickets to Nordisk Panorama Film Festival 2020! 

Nordisk Panorama Film Festival lights up this unusual fall across all the Nordic countries, as an extraordinary hybrid festival with free streaming of the films as well as talks, masterclasses and selected in-person events in Malmö.


Spegeln C, Stortorget 29, 211 34 Malmö


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