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Medicine of Mother Earth

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Medicine of Mother Earth

De SEK 200,00



Oct 12 2023 19:00 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más





A relaxing multi-instrumental sound healing journey led by Shervin Boloorian and supported by guest musicians. Starting with simple interactive group vocal toning and mantra to release tension and ground the mind.

After that, close the eyes, lay back and be welcomed into a sensory-rich world of pure sound vibration from a number of natural acoustic instruments including didgeridoo, Zen flute, Shaman Drum, Strings, Meditation Chimes, gong, guitar, crystal/Tibetan Bowls, percussion, authentic medicine chants and more. Sound Medicine is based on Fabien Maman’s groundbreaking cellular research on sound and blood cells, the Chinese Medicine five element system, music theory, mysticism, and the Tibetan/Vedic chakras.

Instruments are tuned to correspond to the natural elements and the body’s energy centers. These sounds relax the body, feed the subtle bodies, release emotion, clear the mind, and expand the consciousness—

wherever you are with your practice, the sounds from both these events will meet and raise your vibration. All are welcome and please come in comfortable clothes.





Solhälla is a living community and Retreat Place that is based on the devotion to preserve and develop the natural ressources given to us by mother nature in the form of the sacred land of Solhälla.

The Solhälla healing spirit is a deep, wise and peaceful spirit that has touched hundreds of people through our meditation retreats, concerts and ceremonial work that take place on this sacred land for many years.

It is located directly by the magic lake Hällungen, surrounded by forests and many beautiful friends

and always worth a visit.

At all our concerts, we offer organic food and drinks 2 hours before the start, and you can also visit our shop with regional handicrafts, incense and many other beautiful things.

There is also accommodation available if booked in advance.

Children are welcome and have free entry up to the age of 14.


Oskarshem 215, 444 97 Svenshögen


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