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Malmö Dance Week Lectures

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Malmö Dance Week Lectures

Von Kostenlos



03. November 2021, 17:00 Uhr - 04. November 2021, 18:30 Uhr
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Lynnée Denise - Third Space: Blending at the Intersection of DJs and their Dance Floors.

Sophia Wekesa - Anti-racism within dance 

* Venue will soon be announced *

Lynnée Denise (US)

Lynnée Denise was shaped as a DJ by her parent’s record collection. She’s an artist, scholar, and writer whose work reflects on underground cultural movements, the 1980s, migration studies, theories of escape, and electronic music of the African Diaspora. Lynnée Denise coined the phrase ‘DJ Scholarship’ to reposition the role of the DJ from a party purveyor to an archivist, cultural custodian and information specialist of music with critical value.

Lecture: Third Space: Blending at the Intersection of DJs and their Dance Floors.

This sonic and visual lecture explores the relationship between improvisation, the polyrhythmic nature of the DJ blend, and house music as the vehicle through which dancers and DJs exists in a movement romance.

Sophia Wekesa (FI)- Anti-racism within dance.

Anti-racism within dance.The aim is to dive into how cultures work and manifest it's deep values and history in dance and why this fact requires cultural sensitivity when we enter dances as guests. How racist society and hierarchy exists everywhere and also in dance and how we should and can dismantle it.‍

Sophia Wekesa is a dancehall dancer and a dj, who has done cultural and gender sensitive youth work in her past. Her expertise is bringing the academic conversation into our everyday lives and practices and holding inclusive conversations for all on complex social issues. 

Both lectures will be held in English

Tickets are for free but you need a ticket to participate.

The Lectures are a collaboration between Malmö Dance Week and Malmö University.

We follow the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations and restrictions.
Everyone, even the fully vaccinated, should continue to pay attention to symptoms and stay home if covid-19 is suspected.
We urge everyone to take care of each other and to keep their distance in order to reduce the spread of the covid-19 together.

Should the restrictions be changed in a way that affects the event's number of participants or audience capacity, the organizer has the right to withdraw the ticket and the ticket will be refunded.


Iver is a non-profit organization that promotes street dance culture.


Malmö Universitet Malmö Universitet, Norra Neptunigatan 1, 211 18 Malmö


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