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Veranstaltung beendet


Von 200,00 SEK



11. September 2022, 18:30 Uhr - 20:00


:: Sunday 11th September ::

:: 18:30 sharp, doors open 18:10 ::

:: Eric Ericsonhallen ::

:: 200 SEK (plus booking fee) ::

ISAK SUNDSTRÖM is a musician and artist from Gotland, Sweden. He lives and works in Stockholm. Isak also makes music under the name IB Sundström and in other projects, such as Rocks & Waves Song Circle and Skriet.

VICTORIA VERSEAU is a Swedish artist, musician and filmmaker working in a variety of media ranging from moving image to sculpture, installation and performance. Verseau’s artistic practice revolves around the exploration of issues of memory, identity and social structures. In her work there are points of contact with philosophy and spirituality. Her personal experiences of being a trans and new woman is often a starting point. Based on her own story, she strives to process existential issues; who we are, who we want to be and the meaning of life.

Together with an oil barrel orchestra and Lumen Voices, Isak Sundström and Victoria Verseau will freely interpret Stina Nordenstam's song The World Is Saved.

Oil barrel orchestras are often associated with carnivals, parties, and an almost brutal joy. In this performance, you will be immersed in the slowly growing soundscape of a sinking, low-key oil barrel orchestra at a carnival where everything has fallen asleep. The concert can be seen as a regret, a distorted prayer that the world is saved.



Bring something to sit or recline on from home

Turn off or put away your phone

Remove shoes and uncomfortable clothing

Applause is not necessary

Come and go as you like

Relax, sleep if you wish



Eric Ericsonhallen has a wheelchair ramp and an accessible toilet. There is a disabled parking space next to the hall.


Lumen Project is a non-profit organization creating immersive experiences, employing sound / light / and space to inspire awe and stillness.

The format embodied by LUMEN PROJECT seeks to redefine the concert experience as something akin to a spiritual + communal happening. Lumen Project uses extended-duration unbroken sound to invite participants into a contemplative mindframe, placing our attention in the NOW. The format's trajectory bends always towards togetherness and shared experience, away from hierarchy and divisions… seeking to act as a harmonizing force.

The expansion beyond limited notions of time and song-based music, the unembarrassed injection of the spiritual into public life, the creation of a unifying space… this is our aim, and our small resistance against the dominant culture of frantic consumption and acceleration.


With support from and thanks to:

Viriditas Foundation


Graphic design: Caroline Igel / Maja Zetterberg


We ask that everyone in attendance be vaccinated.



Eric Ericsonhallen Eric Ericsonhallen, Kyrkslingan 2-4, 111 49 Stockholm


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