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Klubb DÖD: Sally Dige / Totem

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Klubb DÖD: Sally Dige / Totem

De SEK 130,00



Jun 08 2018 20:00 - Jun 09 2018 01:00


▲ SALLY DIGE (“Dee-Ah“) is a multidisciplinary artist known for her darkly poetic yet highly danceable electro-pop songs, DIY stylistic videos, design and visual art. Sally‘s deep and commanding voice, coupled with her analogue-visual-processes and overlapping artistic mediums has formed an identity that oscillates between the edges of aggression and fragility, old and new. Sally manages and creates every aspect of her work herself as she sees herself not solely as a musician but more as a total-artist. “Holding On” is Sally‘s second album, following her debut “Hard to Please”. Stunningly, Sally used only her voice and a single synth to create this album. Even with so little gear, the songs are anything but minimal. Despite the depressing nature of the lyrics, the songs have a bright and upbeat atmosphere replete with hooks, catchy melodies, and forward moving drums. These are songs written for dance floors but are sung about loneliness, death and the meaninglessness of existence. Sally‘s work tows the line between a blissful innocence and a heavy darkness. Think Gina X flavored post punk-disco rubbing against Twitch-era Ministry‘s lost Sade collab or Enya on LSD after a break up. Even with Sally’s humble home recordings, her music has managed to garner a lot of attention worldwide. Sally has been listed in NME’s "Top 20 Artists“ list and Bandcamp’s "Top Ten Artists“ list. Sally has also appeared in many solo performances at music festivals, technology art festivals and more.

▲ TOTEM is the solo moniker of Christoffer Bagge. He’s currently completing his first solo album which will display a mix of post-punk and synth music, fusing melodic vocals and guitar with industrial sampling. All songs are written, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Christoffer himself, a few with the aid of friend and collaborator Sally Dige. Although a Copenhagen native, Christoffer is currently residing in Berlin. He has already lined up multiple gigs in Europe, and plans on touring intensively. His live set-up is kept minimal to ensure cheap and easy traveling. Christoffer has performed in several countries including the US with his former bands Metro Cult and Kold Front, as well as having built up a substantial network through promoting concerts with the likes of Lebanon Hanover, Zanias, Bestial Mouths etc. Two songs have been released online with positive response, and more are either finished or close to being so. It’s Christoffer’s intention to release an album containing around 8 tracks through a European label with an artistic and ambitious vision for both themselves and their roster.


• Kl. 20:00 - 01:00
• Ⓣ-Medborgarplatsen, Skånegatan 80
• 18 år

Biljetter: I biljettpriset ingår en öl/vin/alkoholfritt.




PSB PSB, Skånegatan 80, 116 37 Stockholm


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