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GMLSTN Jazz: wine series #1 with TCTP trio (SP/IT) and Maria João Ogre [electric trio] @ Wine Mechanics

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GMLSTN Jazz: wine series #1 with TCTP trio (SP/IT) and Maria João Ogre [electric trio] @ Wine Mechanics

Von 100,00 SEK



18. Oktober 2018, 18:00 Uhr - 23:00



We are very delighted to present two international acts from south of Europe in this charming new

venue in Gamlestaden (Wine Mechanics, the first urban winery in Gothenburg!). We recommend you to book 

a table for dinner before the concerts start (17:30-18:30) and taste one of the house wines!

Then you will be ready for an incredible jazz evening with:

19:00 TCTP from La Rioja, Spain

Personal project of the Spanish/Italian drummer and composer Tommy Caggiani, fruit of his music world 

and experiences, whose original repertoire blends ethnic rhythms and jazz improvisation.

The name of the group is inspired by the Greek word therion that means half animal - half human. 

Alluding to the therianthropes drawn in prehistoric caves, the superhuman strength of the 

transformation in legendary creatures is palpable in the energy of the music created by the group 

making the listener dreaming through a voyage among deep emotions.

Tommy Caggiani (drums & percussion)

Max Canalda (electric guitar)

Germán Ruiz-Alejos (electric bass)

21:00 Maria João Ogre [electric trio] from Portugal

Ogre is Maria João´s latest adventure and she is undoubtedly the most famous jazz voice from Portugal. 

After she has collaborated and toured with a number of artists of world renown, such as Gilberto Gil, 

Christofer Lauer, Bob Stenso, Joe Zawinul, ex-keyboard player of the mythical Weather Report and 

of course, Mário Laginha.  

In Ogre, once more, the singer goes to a new place, exploring musical territories totally unchartered for her.
Maria João: vocals

João Farinha: Fender Rhodes

André Nascimento: laptop, electronics

Intimate unique venue with a limited seat, so we strongly recommend to arrive early!

No reserved seats. 


Torsdag, 18 Lokal: Wine Mechanics

Adress: Lilla Waterloogatan, 15

Program: Tommy Caggiani Therion Trio (IT/SP), Maria João Ogre [electric trio] (PT)


19:00 – Tommy Caggiani Therion Trio (IT/SP)

21:00 – Maria João Ogre [electric trio] (PT)

Förköp / Pre-sales online: 100 kr (Billetto)

Entrén / On the door: 150 kr (with Swish)

We close online sales at 8pm on the 17/10.

Website Wine Mechanics: http://winemechanics.se/se_sv/...

Book a table for dinner before the concert: 031-790 4300


International Jazz Festival in Gothenburg


Wine Mechanics, Gamlestaden Lilla Waterloogatan 15, 415 02 Göteborg, Sweden, Lilla Waterloogatan 15, 415 02 Göteborg


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