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GEOFF TATE (US) with full band - EMPIRE 30th Anniversary Tour (Umeå)

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GEOFF TATE (US) with full band - EMPIRE 30th Anniversary Tour (Umeå)

De SEK 260,00



Feb 12 2020 20:00 - 22:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


Make it Sound och STAHL Entertainment presenterar stolt: GEOFF TATE with full band- EMPIRE 30th Anniversary Tour - EMPIRE & RAGE FOR ORDER both performed in their entirety!

Dörrar 17.00

Middag 17.00-19.00

DJ 17-20.00

Boka bord på 090-135588

Du behöver vara 18 år eller i målsmans sällskap

Det må låta klyschigt, men här här kan vi verkligen tala om mannen myten legenden. The one and only Geoff Tate.

Frontmannen från en av rockhistoriens största och viktigaste band, Queensryche, kommer till Make it Sound och Droskan!

Can't you feel it coming? EMPIRE!

Can't you hear it coming? EMPIRE!

Here comes 2020 and that sound you hear and vibration you feel is GEOFF TATE and his band, Operation: Mindcrime, gearing up for their forthcoming tour of Europe, that will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of EMPIRE.

Released in August of 1990, the album spawned six singles ("Empire," "Silent Lucidity," "Best I Can," "Jet City Woman," "Another Rainy Night (without you)" and "Anybody Listening?") and is Queensryche's best-selling album to date with sales over over three million units, achieving triple-platinum status.

GEOFF and the band -- currently comprised of Kieran Robertson on guitar, Jack Ross on bass, Scott Moughton on guitar and Felix Bohnke on drums -- will be performing all eleven songs from the album back-to-back, in its entirety.

And to throw it completely over the top, the forthcoming shows will be kicked off by a complete performance of Queensryche's second studio album, Rage for Order, another eleven song gem that featured the singles, "Gonna Get Close to You," "The Whisper" and "Walk in the Shadows." Just a few years after its release in the summer of '86, Kerrang! magazine called it one of the "100 Greatest Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time." That's right, both "Rage for Order" and "Empire" all in one night!

Here comes 2020, the 30th Anniversary of Empire... and the Empire still stands.

I samarbete med Pabst Blue Ribbon, Jamesons Irish Whiskey och Studieförbundet Bilda


UÅ METAL | EST. 2019


Droskan Droskan, Storgatan 60, 903 30 Umeå


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