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Food Hack by Krinova & Formas

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Food Hack by Krinova & Formas

De Gratuito



Mar 15 2019 10:00 - Mar 17 2019 15:00


The Food Hack is a 48hour long innovation competition and food conference for the global food community initiated by Krinova & the research council for sustainable development - Formas.This year’s theme is “A Healthier Planet” we set out to tackle challenges related to the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda. Food and the food system design play a vital role in fulfilling these goals to ensure access to food, water, and renewable energy while preserving ecosystems, biodiversity, and stable and equal societies.Hackers will work in teams to set up projects boosted by the latest research and experienced mentors. All in the spirit of challenge driven open innovation!
Registration closes 4th of March

We try to be as smooth as possible and tailor the experience to fit your needs. Here are some of the ways you can join the Hack:

Be a Hacker
Stay the whole weekend (15-17th of March) as a hacker. This includes access to the Food Tech Pavilion and Food Talk on Friday, being part of a Hack-team during the whole weekend, professional mentoring, possibility to win prices worth 50 000:- sek, the Grand Final pitching event, hang out and get to know international food community members and much much more. All meals to nurture your minds are included from Friday lunch until Sunday lunch + accommodation in dorms (bring bed roll and sleeping mat).
Price: 550 SEK 

Attend Food Talk

Be our guest on Friday the 15th and get access the Food Tech Pavilion and the Food Talk program. You can expect to get first-hand experience of some of the new technologies that are about to be implemented in the food industry and be inspired by some brilliant people in food and sustainability. As if that wasn’t enough you are invited to stay for dinner!
Price: 275 SEK 

Prize-award ceremony
Join the pitching event and prize-giving ceremony on Sunday the 17th! This is when it all comes together and the teams present their work. It is always super exciting to listen in on what everybody’s hard work has cooked down to. A great opportunity to listen in on new ideas and innovative approaches for a Healthier Planet. Oh –  and lunch is on us!
Price: free! (but you still need to register)

For more information:


Krinova Incubator & Science Park Krinova Incubator & Science Park, Stridsvagnsvägen 14, 291 39 Kristianstad


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