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Bitchin Bajas

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Bitchin Bajas

Von 175,00 SEK



22. April 2023, 20:00 Uhr - 23:00


And suddenly!
With a tactile clunk, Bajascillators bubbles to the surface.
“Amorpha”, a side-long shower of synthetic bells and bass, as patterns interlock
and repeat and the beat within the barlines shifts constantly, forms a new,
latest miniature of infinity. You flip it, and “Geomancy” resets you, starting
anew, with heavy drift and drone leading into a space of shorter broken lines
and middle-eastern tonalities, that roll back into ether again — new spaces,
but mysteriously consonant with the vibe. And that’s how it goes — side by
side, Bajascillators rolls four unique numbers that act on their own AND
as extensions of each other, phases in perfect flow. Each time, as the needle
cradles into the playout groove, you the listener are becalmed, in stasis, forever
changed. Until you flip the side — and forever changes again…

The Bajas is back.

Bajascillators arrives almost five years since their last official full-length,
2017’s Bajas Fresh. In the eight years prior, from 2010 to Fresh, Bitchin
Bajas issued seven albums, plus cassettes, EPs, singles…wave after wave
of analogue synth tones and zones extending into a stratospheric arc. Each
release its own headspace, shape and timbre, each one sliding naturally into their implacable, eternal gene pool. Following the flow, always, the Bajas went ever-deeper-and-higher on these records, whether making soundtracks or collaborating with Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy, using only fortune cookie fortunes as a libretto.
Plus engagement, with a steady stream of shows and tours around the world; live re-airings and expansions of the space captured in their records as they continued to grow and flow — all the way through, really, to the present moment. Plus, there have been releases since 2017 — a split 12”, a 7” single, digital track release and two “Cuts” cassettes, plus the all-covers cassette release Switched On Ra. But the overall number of releases,
plus the five years between long players, implies a potential distance between phases, a new line in the sand.
The sound of Bajascillators bear this out. How couldn’t it? Compared to 2017, this is a different world — and, as has everlutionary been true, in case of new world, new Bajas!

Lyssna här



Skeppet GBG, Amerikagatan, 414 63 Göteborg


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