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Fermentation Workshop

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Fermentation Workshop

Från 555,00 SEK



31 aug 2024 15:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


The workshop aims to learn you to ferment vegetables by lacto-fermentation. You leave the workshop with two prepared jars in starting fermentation stage, and receive detailed instructions to continue the fermentation process at home.


Preserve vegetables for all winter long

Do you want to learn to ferment vegetables? Preserve naturally your harvest for winter? Or explore how to transform vegetables into nutritious and healthy food? Come to learn the basics of lacto-fermentation and transform veggies into nourishing pickles.

Turn Apples, Berries & Herbs into Flavorful Homemade Vinegars

Vinegar is a double fermentation process. During this workshop we also learn the basics of making vinegar, a perfect way to use overripe, or damaged fruits and turn them into tasty homemade vinegar!


Lacto-fermentation (Mjölksyrning) is a method of preserving vegetables and creating probiotic-rich food with many flavors. During the workshop, we go through the basics of lacto-fermentation and guide you through the entire process. Each participant may make 2 jars with any flavoring from the herbs supply. Afterward we go through the basics of vinegar making, prepare fruits, herbs to then make vinegar. Each participant may make 1 jar of apple vinegar. The jars are then taken home for the continuation of the fermentation process and for you to taste the result.

After the course, you will be able to make your own lacto-fermentation recipes and your own vinegar.

Previous knowledge

This workshop is suitable for beginners and enthusiasts alike. Whether you're interested in food preservation, or simply want to craft your own flavorful, natural ingredients, this course is for you. It is also a great workshop for those interested in food self-sufficiency to preserve vegetables for winter.

Course Materials

Participants will be provided a variety of fresh vegetables, and the glass jars to create fermented goods take home. All materials are included in the course fee. Agnes will use recipes from “Det nordiska skafferiet : torkning, mjölksyrning, fermentering, inläggningar, olja, vinäger & salt” of Johan Björkman, and her own recipes.


Nordiska Örter is a small herb farm situated in Uppsala that promotes the use of wild local plants for food, health and handicraft via workshops to connect people with their local environment and increase their self-sufficiency. Nordiska Örter also provides quality locally produced and wild harvested herbs that can be purchased on Etsy

Agnes is the founder of Nordiska Örter and the course leader. Agnès Brosset has a PhD in plant ecologist and has always been enthusiastic about sharing her skills and knowledge about plants. She has been crafting with herbs for 6 years, and is a homesteader living totally off grid, foraging, growing vegetables, and preserving foods to be more resilient and to reduce her dependency on grocery suppliers. 

To be informed of upcoming events, follow Nordiska Örter on instagram


Ulleråker, Uppsala

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