We Breathe and Sound
We Breathe and Sound
Fra 350,00 SEK
Welcome to We Breathe and Sound
Date: April 13th
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:15 PM
Location: Eric Ericsonhallen
Dear community,
We are beyond thrilled to invite you to a community event in Stockholm held by Sound Awakening tribe, Roshi, Rosanna, and Lisa. Come together, Breathe and go deep into the world of Sound with us.
In the magical Eric Ericssonhallen, we will gather to explore our breath guided by Roshi and Rosanna with live music performed by Sound Awakening Tribe and Lisa Åkesson. Together we will create and play improvised music to help guide the breathwork.
During the event the community (you!) will also be welcomed to join the music, activate your voice, and create sound together - you really don’t want to miss this.
Whether you are new to breathwork and sound healing or a seasoned practitioner doesn't matter. Come as you are, and be prepared to connect back to yourself and the community.
- 4:00 PM: Doors open (please be on time)
- 4:15 PM: We begin
- Opening and connecting exercise
- Somatic Breathwork Session
- Sound Journey and Voice activation
- Integration
- 7:15 PM: Closing and Farewell
Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, and any items that will make you comfortable during the session. We also recommend wearing loose, comfortable clothing for free movement and deep relaxation.
The session will be held in English.
Meet your facilitators
Sound Awakening Tribe is a Medicine Music duo consisting of Mikael Mendoza Naselius and Edward Veem. Their vision is to inspire presence and healing with the help of sounds and musical frequencies. They travel around the globe studying the art of sound healing, collecting new instruments and learning music and sounds from ancestral traditions and cultures. Their music is a present exploration of the moment, seeking to inspire and guide the listener into presence and a mystical inner journey.
Learn more about Sound Awakening Tribe here: https://www.instagram.com/soun...
Roshi is a licensed psychotherapist, life coach, and certified somatic breathwork facilitator with over 10 years of clinical experience. She collaborates with corporations to promote wellness and mitigate work-related stress. Specializing in trauma and somatic-informed approaches, Roshi employs techniques such as somatic release breathwork and altered state practices to address the whole person—mind, emotion, and body.
Learn more about Roshi here: https://www.instagram.com/ther...
Rosanna Holmström is a certified breathwork facilitator, athletic breath coach, and yoga teacher. She has extensive experience coaching diverse individuals, including corporate groups and athletes. She guides clients through breathwork techniques to enhance physical performance, manage stress, and improve well-being. She also lectures on stress management, highlighting breathwork's transformative power for reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity. Her teaching style blends firmness with gentleness, fostering a supportive yet challenging environment that promotes personal growth and resilience.
Learn more about Rosanna here: https://www.instagram.com/brea...
Lisa Åkesson is a multi-faceted coach and musician. With certifications as a KIT Coach, Ayurvedic health advisor, Ayurvedic chef, and Yoga teacher, Lisa brings a holistic approach to wellness shaped over 16 years of passionate exploration. Her journey has taken her around the globe, organizing over 25 transformative retreats. In her one-on-one and group work with clients, Lisa excels at helping individuals find their authentic voice, reclaim their power, and shift from living in their minds to nurturing a deeper connection with their bodies.
Learn more about LIsa here: https://www.instagram.com/arey...
By signing up for this session you agree to these terms:
I acknowledge that Somatic Breathwork™️ is a deep and powerful process. It involves rapid and prolonged breathing that is designed to activate intense emotional responses. I have notified the practitioners of any physical injuries, mental or psychological conditions I have. I engage in this experience willingly and take full responsibility for my own physical, mental and emotional experiences during and after the session.
Somatic Breathwork™️ is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your physician(s). Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their physician(s).
With warmth and anticipation,
Sound Awakening Tribe, Roshi, Rosanna & Lisa
Eric Ericsonhallen, Kyrkslingan 2-4, 111 49 Stockholm
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