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  • Kundalini Shaktipat Retreat

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    Kundalini Shaktipat Retreat

    Fra 500,00 SEK



    16. August 2024, 14:00 - 18. August 2024, 16:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Stressfri booking: Billetto garanterer refusjon ved avlyste eventer. Les mer
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    Whether your aim is to discover what lies beyond the inner stillness of a thoughtless mind, or if your goal is to open your devotional heart to feel the world inside your blissful presence, or if it is simply and beautifully to heal a wounded inner child for your light to shine through, the very light that will guide you towards truth and authenticity, you are welcome to this retreat.

    Retreat into a sacred space conducive and nourishing for your longing, held with acceptance, compassion and love. The retreat will provide theoretical knowledge needed to inspire trust in the divine unfolding that is your life, and energetic encouragement that is palpable and gently guides you into a deeper sence of beeing intimately present with the spiritual fabric of life, the throbbing Spanda, which is weaved through all beings, animals and plants. For your healing, liberation and enlightenment.

    Sessions will include:

    ⟫ Shaktipat deekska - energetic activation of Kundalini Shakti and your inherent inner healing power and revealing grace

    ⟫ Spanda meditations in nature

    ⟫ Studying & practicing classical tantra as per Kashmir Shaivism

    ⟫ Devotional mantra song

    ⟫ Yoga nidra and relaxation

    Our days together will encourage understanding of your human nature, obstacles and divine make up, which will help unveil your inherent divinity. The scenery and inspired meditations will encourage deep presence, with yourself and the surroundings.

    By allowing ourselves to be in, and with the moment, as it is, with acceptance and compassion for all that we hold and carry, with curiousity and openess towards the forces of Life, we touch and become intimate with the essential fabric of our very existence. The life force in its state prior to form. We naturally become inspired and infused, uplifted and encouraged to face our past hurts, to allow self-healing to take place, for tension and blockages to be cleared, and to mature into authenticity and spiritual maturity.

    Experience the potent simplicity in honoring your life and learn how to make your life a meditative journey of deepening divinity.

    Enjoy nature in a new way, sense the unity of all, amongst the tall trees, deep roots, flowers on the meadow and the water in the lake. Meditate with the sky. Merge with divine essence. And most of all cherish your person as a divine creation, contractions and all.

    My hope is that this retreat will inspire and anchor your spiritual journey, provide clarity and aim, and enrich your life with beauty.

    Vaani Devi


    Vegetarian food included, let us know if you have any allergies to info@advaitashram.org                             

    Full retreat - Friday 16 August 14:00 - Sunday 18 August 16:00

    Shared room 4000 sek

    Camping - own tent, van etc 3300 sek

    If you like to come, but have difficulty coming this early Friday, write us. 


    Only Saturday Shaktipat Meditation (10:00-12:30) 500 sek

    Only Saturday Shaktipat Meditation w Lunch (10:00-14:30) 650 sek


    Airports - Malmö Sturup, Copenhagen Kastrup/Lufthavn.

    Train stations - Lund, Malmö.

    More practical info in confirmation e-mail.

    For questions contact us at info@advaitashram.org


    MORE INFO                                                    

    Kundalini Energy transmission or Shaktipat from an awakened realized being is the most direct and essential element along the yogic and tantric paths. It is called Siddha yoga or Guru yoga traditionally. Shaktipat activates as well as navigates Kundalini and also helps in removing the dense blockages which can take ages to clear by themself and require a lot of struggle and effort to integrate. Shaktipat safely and naturally attunes you to Samadhi directly, without the use of effort, techniques or force. It is a yoga of surrender and effortless embodiment.

    A salient feature of Shaktipat Siddha yoga is the release of pranic energy, leading up to inner spontaneous movements, shaking, spasms, twitching as well as involuntary yoga asana. It can take the form of a purging and detox process, with inner release of heavy emotional mental and physical blockages. These intricate kriyas, breathwork, spontaneous crying/ laughing and vocalization in different languages, or and hand movements can arise spontaneously without any previous knowledge or study.

    Awakening of Kundalini energy marks the onset of the spiritual awakening process and it is the aim of all yoga. Kundalini unfolds the capability to experience expanded states of consciousness, clear emotional, mental as well as physical blockages. It unleashes our evolutionary mechanism and accelerates all biological processes, enabling higher brain function and DNA activation. This process leads to Enlightenment and Self-Realization, establishing the being in non dual bliss awareness.



    “It’s been 3 weeks post Shaktipat with Vaani. Just wanted to share how much my practice has changed since then. I went from meditating 40min-1hr and now to 3-5hrs of meditation everyday. I thought I was experiencing bliss and absorption before but now it’s a whole new level, I fall into a meditative state very easily, quickly and deeply. The bliss is like an orgasmic force rising followed with bright white light or stars/fireworks. It all comes in waves moments of deep stillness and then the bliss just comes out all of a sudden and back to deep stillness that keeps going deeper as the meditation goes on. I am so amazed and grateful for this rapid shift and so looking forward to next Shaktipat soon and to hear Vaani’s magical singing voice. Thank you.”

    -Silvana Devaki Godara


    “With her gentle touch she meets you where you’re at and lifts you into growth. Her words are clear, articulate and light with detachment. Her radiant smile and calm voice is soothing to the soul. To me, she is living proof that words, culture, ideologies, theories, countries and all such false impressions are irrelevant… as a human whose root is in communion with it’s crown has nothing to do but silently emanate this knowledge with grace. Deeply grateful for her loving presence.”

    -Roopa Shenoy


    Welcome view our website advaitashram . org for updated info on events, upcoming events and more: https://advaitashram.org/Event...

    Instagram @ advait.ashram @ vaani.devi


    By joining our events you agree to the participant agreement https://advaitashram.org/legal...

    Shaktipat can be received by all regardless of yogic or spiritual direction, with the following contraindications:
    - Heart conditions
    - Mental health disorders (Personality disorders, Depression with alternating phases of mania, Suicidal ideations etc).




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    Kundalini Shaktipat Retreat

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