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ALRUNA - Rooting for You 

ALRUNA aims to hold a ceremonial space where it is possible for anyone who feels called to experience a sense of deep interconnectedness.

Our vision is strikingly simple. 

In a world that is constantly spinning faster and faster our invitation for you is to SLOW down and feel yourself if only for a moment. If you are able to let go and let life do its thing instead of you DOING it only for a few seconds you will feel it. You will BE it. From that space anything is possible. 

We want to create a sanctuary in the middle of Stockholm, a safe haven if you will, with a collective intention to open up our hearts. We believe the healing potential that lies within this co-created field of love and relaxation is enormous.

Over 2000 people have already experienced an ALRUNA gathering. 

Looking forward to greet you in slow motion <3 
