Open house K-dance by KNS Spring 2020
Open house K-dance by KNS Spring 2020
From Free
Kpop Nonstop Invites you all to our Spring 2020 Open house!
Free trial dance classes
If you want to try dancing to kpop and see what classes / levels suits your best, you are welcome to dance with us on 11/1! The event is free and only pre-registration is required (it is also possible to register on site but first come first served). Come and have fun with us!
When? Saturday 11th January 2020
when? Fryshuset, Sal 1, Mårtensdalsgatan 2-8, 120 30 Stockholm
Price? FREE!
How? Max 50 participants per klass. Sign up here:
Don't forget to click ;) you coming on our facebook event
Schema för dagen
During the day, each class will learn a part of a kpop choreography chosen by our dance teachers. Each trial dance class is 60 minutes and is taught by the K-dance by KNS dance teachers.
- 11.30 - 12.30 Level 1 - Kpop dance class
- 12.40 - 13.40 Level 2 - Kpop dance class
- 13.50 - 14.50 Level 3 - Kpop dance class
- 15.00 - 16.00 Level 4 - Kpop dance class
- 16.10 - 16.50 Level 4 Audition
Nivå 4 är till för dig som dansar på en avancerad nivå, med en god dansteknisk grund och hög precision i din dans. Utlärningstempot är högt & koreografierna avancerade. Inträdesprovet kommer gå till som en audition där ni först kommer få lära er en del av en kpop koreografi där danslärarna kommer bedöma er inlärningsförmåga och se ifall ni hänger med i tempot. Därefter kommer varje dansare enskilt få framföra 40-60 sekunder av en förberedd, valfri kpop koreografi. OBS: ha med din musik.
Level 4 is for those who dance at an advanced level, with a good dance technique and high precision in your dance. The learning tempo is high & the choreographies are advanced. The entrance exam will go on as an audition where you will first learn a part of a kpop choreography where the dance teachers will assess your learning ability and see if you keep up with the pace. Thereafter, each dancer will individually perform 2 choreographies. One from a boyband and another from a girlband each around 40-60 seconds. NOTE: bring your music.
Other information
Arrive with time advance, preferably 15 minutes earlier to the lesson so you have time to find the venue "Sal 1". The reception can be found in the main entrance at Fryshuset. If you have any problems, please contact us via our social media or email us at
Privacy notice
We will be recording video and taking photos within the venue space.
By entering you agree that you can be featured on photos and video. Footage can be used by Kpopnonstop and K-dance by KNS on social media and for internal or commercial purposes.
Changing rooms and showers.
Bring with you indoors clean shoes, workout clothes and preferably a water bottle.
K-dance står för Koreansk Pop Dans (Kpop Dans). Kpop låtar har alltid häftiga och väl genomtänkta koreografier som passar ihop med känslan i låten. Svårighetsgraden på koreografierna varierar beroende på vilket band som framför dem, men koreografierna innehåller alltid flera stycken signatur steg som är speciellt gjorda så att tittarna ska kunna lära sig stegen och härma efter. Dansstilen för kpop koreografier varierar med allt från streetdance och hiphop med hård attityd till mer glada, kommersiella stila etc vilket gör kpop dans till en väldigt unik och speciell dansstil att lära sig!
Vi på Kpop Nonstop vill att våra dansklasser ska vara mer än bara dans. Utöver att lära ut koreografi till kpop låtar lägger vi fokus på att skapa gemenskap och en positiv social miljö under våra dansklasser. Vi vill att våra deltagare ska se fram emot dansklasserna varje vecka och att danssalarna ska bli en plats där man ska få kunna vara sig själv och kunna känna sig hemma/bekväm i. Tillsammans med våra entusiastiska danslärare kommer vi att skapa oförglömliga minnen och ha kul allihopa tillsammans samtidigt som vi lär oss danserna till våra favorit artister.
Vill du veta mer om K-dance by KNS dansklassern klicka dig då in på
Kpop Nonstop
Kpop Nonstop is a Swedish organization that aims to bring Asia closer to Europe. We have been around since 2012 and have produced many successful K-pop events in the past such as danceclubs, concerts, workshops, meet & greet and much more. We are proud to be able to present you with more Kpop events in Europe.
We at Kpop Nonstop have always worked to promote and build up a kpop fanbase here in Sweden and Scandinavia. Through hard work and late nights we bring you many different kind of events and the same will go for the future. Stay tuned on our official fan page for more
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Fryshuset, Sal 1, Mårtensdalsgatan 2-8, 12030 Stockholm
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I wish to cancel my Open house K-dance by KNS Spring 2020 ticket and receive a refund. What should I do?
The approval of refunds is entirely at the event organiser’s discretion, and you should get in contact with the event organiser to discuss what options are available to you. To get in touch with the event organiser, simply reply to your order confirmation email or use the "Contact organiser" form on the organiser's profile. For more help with this, read here.
I have registered on the Open house K-dance by KNS Spring 2020 waiting list, what happens now?
If more tickets become available you will be notified (by email) amongst others who have joined the list. Purchasing is on a first-come first-serve basis. For more information, read here.
Where do I find a link to an online event?
Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Open house K-dance by KNS Spring 2020 event online. For more information on this, read here.
What is refund protection and why would I need it?
Refund Protection provides you with the assurance that if unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances interfere with your ability to attend an event you can claim a refund. For more information on this, read here.
Open house K-dance by KNS Spring 2020
From Free