World Peace Conference Stockholm 2019
World Peace Conference Stockholm 2019
Från 300,00 SEK
Welcome to a conference celebrating human fellowship and the search for peace. We invite representatives from different religions, peace activists and artists to share their insights about the path to peace. Central to this is the search for universally shared values.
Three-day event
The event is in three parts.
• Morning session: to discuss the agenda for how to share a mutual responsibility to create a culture of peace.
• Afternoon session: we will have a cultural festival and an award ceremony at the famous Stockholm City Hall.
• July 1-3rd a two-day cruise to Estonia to visit Tallinn’s World Heritage.
The importance of universally shared values
World Peace is something which concerns all aspects of life. Even though the world is more integrated, there is also growing mistrust and division. A religion which has been the driving force in all civilizations has been increasingly marginalized in the modern world and accused of causing conflict and war. With or without religion, however, the conflicts continue. Within the political world, there is more polarization, increasing social confrontation, and growing nationalism.
The challenge is how to find a model for peace which transcends all religious, political, social and national interests. Such a model can be found in the recognition of universally shared values. Through this religious people can engage in new level of dialogue. Politicians can be guided by a higher level of responsibility. Social activists who seek to empower people, will not only oppose what is wrong bust strive for constructive solution. A healthy society is after all the ability to work together based on mutual trust and care. Indispensable of our national, ethnical and religious identities we can retain our own unique characteristics, but also recognize we are part of one human family. For such dialogue to be successful we need to recognize the values that we all share. This is the focus of the conference: to explore what universally shared values are and how they can contribute to a world of peace and provide hope for the future of humankind.
Stockholm World Peace International Conference2019
Venue: Stockholm City Hall, Sweden
Program: 30th June - 3rd July 2019
Download Program: English (pdf)
Stockholm City Hall, Hantverkargatan 1, 111 52 Stockholm

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World Peace Conference Stockholm 2019
Från 300,00 SEK