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World Dance Company - ExPro Stage

tapahtuma päättyi

World Dance Company - ExPro Stage

Alkaen SEK 150.00



04 Syys 2020 20:00 - 06 Syys 2020 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Varaa luottavaisin mielin: Billetto takaa palautukset peruuntuneista tapahtumista, mikä takaa mielenrauhasi. Lue lisää


Performer/Group: World Dance Company

On 4-6 September, World Dance Company put on their ExPro Sage with three performances each night to Trixter.

(Note: Shakti will be performed 4 and 5 September and will be replaced by the film “HOME” on 6 September)

4 September: Movement 6.35, Parallel, Shakti
5 September: Movement 6.35, Parallel, Shakti
6 September: Movement 6.35, Parallel, HOME

Movement 6.35
When the body is moving from one place to the other, a sensitivity of feelings appear. The body needs adjusting to the reaction of moving from the tropic place to the place with four seasons. 

The meeting between people from different parts of the world, trilingual communication. Habits, ways and perspectives generate questions; why like this and why like that? Why, why and why. The result is a fusion. Javanese dance movement and modern ballet.

Choreographer: Feri Sri Danarto
Dancer: Feri Sri Danarto
Music:  Gamelan Pacifica, Philip Glass: “Opening” from Glassworks 

About the dancer/choreographer: 
Feri Sri Danarto (1987) is a professional dancer originating from Indonesia. Feri is trained in traditional Indonesian dance and ballet and has worked as a dancer, dance teacher and choreographer in Bali, Indonesia and Malaysia. He is currently based in Gothenburg.  

A work-in-progress piece from “Parallel”

"Parallel”, Alessandro Bascioni’s new work, unfolds with a searching driving force weaving patterns that shift and spiral like the flow of life. The piece delves into the lives of people living in parallel realities, close to each other yet, they stand alone. 

They search through physical, sensorial and mental limitations as if in a suspended state at the top of a cliff ready to leap or fall off. The dancers' movements show hidden emotion that emits a state of vulnerability and solitude in a palpable state of physical sensorial and mental limitation.

Choreography: Alessandro Bascioni
Dancers: Martina von Schwerin & Hilda Dahlén

A performative dance show exploring the relationship between the classical and the stripped-down, with the intention of describing the routines of everyday life encountering meditative life events.

Shakti relates to the life force, the creative force within us. This energy is synonymous with creation and describes the pristine atonement. Our highest longing but also our fear.

Within the time span between tradition and innovation, a new form of dance expression is created, in the encounter with the everyday life of anxiety and humour, with newly written music in an integrated performative work.

Choreographer - Anette Pooja
Dancers - Anette Pooja, Ida Knapp Drougge, Susanne Hansson
Music - Susanne Hansson
Costume - Gerd Karlsson with ensemble

MYSK Indisk Dans and Magisk Teater in collaboration with World Dance Company

HOME An experimental short film

Director: Jenny Larsson
Video and Editing: Voltage Factory
Music: Dag Rosenqvist
Text and Voice: Jenny Larsson

With the experimental short film HOME (Disappearing Sites) we are looking at how the Everglades has changed and are changing today, the disappearing land, traditions and mythologies connected to the native tribes, the fluctuation of water and water qualities, the natural vs the engineered water flows, the endangered plant species and animal life. 

By creating a new mythological creature called The Golden One, this creature functions as a symbol of what happens when the “gold” moves into the land.

Genre(s): Dance, Film
Language: Non-verbal, English
Venue: Trixter

Ticket price: 150 SEK
Length: 60 minutes

Friday 4 Sept 20:00
Saturday 5 Sept17:00
Sunday 6 Sept 20:00

Reminder! Ensure everyone's safety. 1) Stay home when you feel unwell 2) Keep distance 3) Wash your hands frequently 4) Caugh and sneeze in your elbow 5) Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 

We would rather have you cancel your ticket and get the money back if you do have symptoms. For assistance please contact us:

For more information about safety, see our COVID-19 strategy at our website


Gothenburg Fringe begins its quest to bring you brilliant performing arts around the year with our showcase on 4-6 March 2022!

And with our main event on 7-11 September, there's something for everyone at Gothenburg Fringe with theatre, music, dance, comedy, improv, installations and much more to enjoy.


Teater Trixter Teater Trixter, Masthamnsgatan 17, 413 27 Göteborg

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  • En ole saanut lippuani sähköpostitse. Mitä minun pitäisi tehdä?

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  • Haluan peruuttaa lippuni ja saada rahani takaisin. Mitä minun pitäisi tehdä?

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  • Olen ilmoittautunut jonotuslistalle, mitä nyt tapahtuu?

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  • Mistä löydän linkin verkkotapahtumaan?

    Tarkista tilausvahvistussivusi tai tilausvahvistussähköposti. Yleensä tapahtuman järjestäjä ilmoittaa tiedot tilausvahvistussähköpostissa tai hän saattaa lähettää sinulle erillisen sähköpostin, jossa on linkki verkkotapahtumaansa. Voit myös tarkastaa tapahtumakuvauksen Billetton sivuilta, jossa järjestäjän ilmoittaa miten tapahtumaan voi liittyä. Lisätietoja tästä saat täältä.

  • Mikä on palautussuoja ja miksi tarvitsen sitä?

    Palautussuoja antaa sinulle varmuuden siitä, että jos ennakoimattomat ja väistämättömät tilanteet estävät sinua osallistumasta tapahtumaan, voit hakea hyvitystä. Lisätietoa löydät täältä.

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