Turn on! Rise up! hett retreat i systerskap
Turn on! Rise up! hett retreat i systerskap
Från 3.800,00 SEK
Welcome to a powerful weekend in celebration of your sexuality, your body, heart, soul and life force!
Surrounded by a blossoming park and overlooking the ocean bay, we will share a magical weekend together in sisterhood in a small sanctuary in Ytterjärna outside of Stockholm.
Prepare yourself for a weekend of transformative process, immersed in sisterhood and magical surroundings.
We will be served gorgeous organic and local food, sleep beautifully and make room for swimming in the ocean and enchanting time in nature.
This beautiful venue holds a history of women coming together in circle. Here we will open up a ritual space for healing and expansion and create a safe and juicy bubble of deep connection and celebration.
This weekend is an invitation to take a break from the daily hustle, to come together and to slow down.To lay down on the earth, surrender, breathe in the life force of spring and slowly, softly rise up into full blossom.
A weekend to connect to our life force, ignite our turn on, connect to our inspiration, and to plant seeds in the fertile grounds of spring.
We will meet in vulnerability, listen to ourselves and each other and experience a deep way of being listened to. We build a container of trust where it is safe for ecstasy to pour out and flow.
This retreat invites your remembrance of coming together in sisterhood.
Honoring all the seasons of our life cycles and moving with them with grace.
Your tears and your laughter are all welcome here. As well as your full spectrum messiness, wildness, your softness and your power.
You are welcome just as you are and where you are at.
This weekend is making room for you to acknowledge whatever might be weighing you down, or standing in the way for you to expand into your power, pleasure and deepest love for yourself, your body and your sexuality.
And this weekend is inviting you to experience the magic sources of orgasm, love, wisdom and power that lies hidden inside of each one of us.
Welcome on a journey with us to rewrite the negative stories you carry around your sexuality, body, self-worth and power.
This is a celebration of our bodies, of our lives, and our birthright to rise in pleasure and supportive sisterhood!
Take this opportunity to align yourself with and become one with the enchanting energy of the spring.
As sisters we come together to reclaim our sexuality, love, wisdom and power. Turned on! Rising Up!
For full info of the event go to https://www.facebook.com/event...
You have the possibility of splitting up your payment in the installments that best suit you through KLARNA.
Atelje Light HUB, RUDOLF STEINER SEMINARIET 3, 153 91 Järna
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Turn on! Rise up! hett retreat i systerskap
Från 3.800,00 SEK