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The Most Epic Meditation, Yoga, Dance & Live Music Event Ever !

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The Most Epic Meditation, Yoga, Dance & Live Music Event Ever !

Da SEK 260,00



Nov 17 2019 14:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


Welcome to a celebration of life !

On Sunday the 17th of November we invite you to join our ceremony of life. Where our goal is to through togetherness reach a deep state of mind, with the power of a collective mass-meditation under the holy temple of Eric Ericssonhallen, and to experience the most unique and mystical yoga & dance event ever !

At 14:00 the doors to the old church will open and you will enter the gate that leads you to find your spot under the magical dome, shortly after the live Persian Sufi music will start and the energy of the collective meditation will set its time.

You will be presented a journey in an epic environment, Rumi poetry will be read and translated, Yoga and Yoga Nidra meditation will be guided, and by the end of the evening the arena will become an ecstatic dance floor.
: Please bring your own yoga mat and a blanket for the meditation ! Comfortable clothes for both moving/sweating and to stay warm in. Arrive early, doors closes at 14:30.
This event is presented to you by;

Fredrik Edlund
: Guide & Teacher

Fredrik is a hatha yoga teacher touring around yoga studios in Stockholm bringing his softest voice. He is currently doing his masters degree in the theory of practical knowledge at Södertörn University, where intuition and wisdom is in the interest of him.

Nasiri: Musician

A multi-instrumentalist & producer, most known for his style of playing the Middle Eastern & Persian Sufi music.

He plays a big variety of oriental instruments such as the oud, flute, clarinet, Persian strings & percussion + electronic beats live.


Fredrik is a hatha yoga teacher touring around yoga studios in Stockholm bringing his softest voice. He is currently doing his masters degree in the theory of practical knowledge at Södertörn University, where intuition and wisdom is in the interest of him. Nasiri is a multi-instrumentalist & producer, most known for his style of playing the Middle Eastern & Persian Sufi music. He plays a big variety of oriental instruments such as the oud, flute, clarinet, Persian strings & percussion + electronic beats live

Luogo dell'evento

Eric Ericsonhallen Eric Ericsonhallen, Kyrkslingan 2, 111 49 Stockholm


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