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The Complete Radiant Cleanse- detoxing and healing at all the levels of your being

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The Complete Radiant Cleanse- detoxing and healing at all the levels of your being

Från 2.500,00 SEK



16 okt 2015 18:00 - 18 okt 2015 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Bring back your healthy, juicy, radiant self!

Welcome to an intensive and delicious weekend workshop packed with practical information and methods from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda for the body, mind and soul.
Learn about food, secrets of digestion, mantra meditation, self oiling, opening the heart, special energy massage, bowel cleanse, fire ritual and so much more!

We will explore together:

* the Ayurvedic understanding of health through detox
* the golden rules for a radiant digestion
* how to detox the body- daily, seasonally, and deeply
* cleansing of the mind and 5 senses
* mantra meditation for detox and healing
* the importance of rejuvenation and nourishment
* using the heart to cleanse emotional toxins
* energetic sweeping massage
* heart opening play
* fire ritual for cleansing
* the ecstatic state of higher health
* delicious, detoxing and nourishing food
* and so, so much more delicious things!

We will talk, learn, understand.
We will play, laugh, breathe, connect and expand into ourselves.
We will eat radiant food.
We will heal.


FLORE is a deeply enthusiastic and loving Ayurvedic doctor, passionate about guiding people to their higher state of happiness through health. Her teachings are very playful and full of wisdom that she transmits with a heartful passion.
Flore is a university qualified Ayurvedic doctor, with 12 years of experience practising and teaching across Europe, India and Africa. She is also a natural health therapist with 20 years experience of counselling people through health and has been practising various forms of yoga, including tantra, since the age of 15. She is now exploring the ancient traditions of health and sexuality in Shamanism.
Flore is the founder of the Conscious Parenthood courses, co- founder of the Radiant Couple courses and co-founder of the Ecstatic Womanhood Institute.
She now lives and practices in South Sweden and teaches across Europe.


SEVED is a certified mantra meditation teacher and an avid practitioner himself. He discovered meditation through Deepak Chopra and later went on studying with Davidji, famous meditation teacher and best selling author.
He runs his own own business selling surgical instruments and is married with 2 young children. Meditation helps him stay true to himself and follow his dreams with more creativity, more clarity and more understanding of life and relationships.
Seved is a very positive and friendly teacher, with a great generosity of heart, who guides and helps his students to live a happier, more focused and more energised life.

Friday 16th to Sunday 18th October
Friday evening 18.00 to 21.00
Saturday whole day 9.00 to 17.00
Saturday evening fire ritual 18.30 to 20.00
Sunday whole day 10.00 to 16.00

Vindkulla house, 361 Hardeberga, 247 91 Södra Sandby (Skane, South Sweden)
Only 12 minutes from Lund, 20 minutes from Malmö

ONLY 2500kr, including food
Includes all teaching, all practices, printed teaching booklet, delicious and abundant Ayurvedic lunches and mid meal snacks, fire ritual.
(10% discount for students, unemployed and low income)
Booking by email on flore.ayurveda@gmail.com
Secure your place with a deposit of 500kr
Limited places available!

Take your cleanse much deeper and join us on the full, in-depth 5 weeks autumn cleanse, starting with this workshop!
put into practice everything you learn straightaway, receive guidance and support, join a community of "cleansers", receive lots of recipes and tips for detox and health, and more!
Find out more on the event:

For more information, contact Flore:
flore.ayurveda@gmail.com or call 0733 761 15


Vindkulla house, 361 Hardeberga, , 247 91 Södra Sandby

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The Complete Radiant Cleanse- detoxing and healing at all the levels of your being

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