Tantric Heart Celebration
Tantric Heart Celebration
Från 90,00 SEK
This evening is dedicated to the Tantric Goddess Matangi, a playful, wild and benevolent aspect of the divine mother. Her colour is green like the nature, as Matangi is said to dwell in the wild forests. She is the power of divine divine beauty, wisdom and integration, and offers us her grace and guidance through the power of synchronisity.
During this evening we will play, explore and open our hearts to this mysterious energy. The whole evening will be dedicated to discover how this special energy of Matangi can awaken our Power to Love. The event starts with a small introduction, then with delightful soft tantric exercises, tantric sublime art, lounge with delicious foods and other small surprises. Since Matangi is connected with spiritual art, there will be some very special performances and artistic moments during this evening. =)
More about Matangi:
She is playful, and sensual and teaches us that nothing is impure, as she is the goddess who connects us with the consciousness at all levels of creation. Therefore, through her divine and unexpected wisdom she shows that nothing can be ”un-holy”, but everything is sacred for the eye that is full of transfiguration, love and beauty. From this point of view she is a very important teacher on the tantric path.
She is also the goddess of divine harmony and elevated beauty and she is the inspirer for all true artists. She allows us to see everything with a divine eye and teaches us to express ourselves in a free, spontaneous, uninhibited and yet harmonious way.
You don't need any previous experience of tantra to be part of this event, and you don't need a partner. We aim to create a very beautiful and safe space for everybody to be comfortable (OBS no nudity)!
Dress code: To get in tune with the energy of Matangi, please wear if possible something green =)
Natha Yoga Center, Celsiusgatan 29, 212 14 Malmö
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Tantric Heart Celebration
Från 90,00 SEK