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Sextile + Nuxx Vomica | Hus 7

tapahtuma päättyi

Sextile + Nuxx Vomica | Hus 7

Alkaen SEK 200.00



21 Touko 2024 19:00 - 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Varaa luottavaisin mielin: Billetto takaa palautukset peruuntuneista tapahtumista, mikä takaa mielenrauhasi. Lue lisää


Artist: Sextile
Support: Nuxx Vomica
Datum: 21 maj 2024
Venue: Hus 7
Insläpp: 19.00
Åldersgräns: 18+ år / 13+ i målsmans sällskap


Since emerging in 2015, Sextile have been a party-provoking force on the LA underground, capable of kicking up a riot with the raw-edged squall of a synth or the sharp-elbowed jerk of a guitar. Originally formed by Brady Keehn and Melissa Scaduto after the pair relocated from New York to LA, Sextile released their debut album A Thousand Hands in 2015, with its Grand Canyon-sized echoes, haunted screams, and post-punk invocations, before pushing synths further down the front with 2017 effort Albeit Living.

Sextile’s taste for electronics matured on the throbbing EBM-meets-industrial pick-me-up of 2018’s 3 EP, cut from an analog stash that included their trusted Korg MS-10 and LinnDrum, but the band put things on ice shortly after its release. Sextile guitarist, synth player, and original member Eddie Wuebben, who joined Sextile in 2015, tragically passed away in October 2019. Cameron Michel later re-joined on guitar and synths. Separately, they each turned their focus to other projects, with Scaduto on S. Product, Keehn on Panther Modern, and Michel as a visual artist. In 2022, the group reconnected and dropped their first new material in three years via the split single “Modern Weekend / Contortion” and “Crassy Mel”.

Now they return refreshed, renewed, and ready to rage with a serotonin-boosting new album, a new group dynamic, faster BPMs, and an even wilder new direction. Recorded in Yucca Valley, Push bounces and bops at the fringes of hardcore dance music, with the hallmarks of drum & bass, gabber, and trance illuminating the record like glowsticks at a ‘90s Fantazia rave. Push releases on September 15, 2023, on Sacred Bones Records.

Since emerging in 2015, Sextile have been a party-provoking force on the LA underground, capable of kicking up a riot with the raw-edged squall of a synth or the sharp-elbowed jerk of a guitar. Originally formed by Brady Keehn and Melissa Scaduto after the pair relocated from New York to LA, Sextile released their debut album A Thousand Hands in 2015, with its Grand Canyon-sized echoes, haunted screams, and post-punk invocations, before pushing synths further down the front with 2017 effort Albeit Living.

Sextile’s taste for electronics matured on the throbbing EBM-meets-industrial pick-me-up of 2018’s 3 EP, cut from an analog stash that included their trusted Korg MS-10 and LinnDrum, but the band put things on ice shortly after its release. Sextile guitarist, synth player, and original member Eddie Wuebben, who joined Sextile in 2015, tragically passed away in October 2019. Cameron Michel later re-joined on guitar and synths. Separately, they each turned their focus to other projects, with Scaduto on S. Product, Keehn on Panther Modern, and Michel as a visual artist. In 2022, the group reconnected and dropped their first new material in three years via the split single “Modern Weekend / Contortion” and “Crassy Mel”.

Now they return refreshed, renewed, and ready to rage with a serotonin-boosting new album, a new group dynamic, faster BPMs, and an even wilder new direction. Recorded in Yucca Valley, Push bounces and bops at the fringes of hardcore dance music, with the hallmarks of drum & bass, gabber, and trance illuminating the record like glowsticks at a ‘90s Fantazia rave. Push releases on September 15, 2023, on Sacred Bones Records.

Nuxx Vomica is the New York City based dark techno project of musician and visual artist Madeline Seely. Taking inspiration from EBM, 90’s techno, and Eurodance, Seely has made Nuxx Vomica into a grimy-yet-dancy addition to the New York scene.


Konserter och evenemang! 

Stockholm, Sverige


Hus 7, Styckmästargatan 10, 121 62 Johanneshov

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