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Second Breakfast Shorts - Awkward Turtles (Sep 21, 09:30)

l'evento è terminato

Second Breakfast Shorts - Awkward Turtles (Sep 21, 09:30)

Da SEK 114,00



Sett 21 2019 09:30 - 11:20
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please go to the Nordisk Panorama Ticket Desk at Spegeln well in advance before the screening starts to pick up your breakfast. If you would like to have a vegan breakfast option, please send your order to and write the title of the short package, the date and time, your name and how many vegan breakfasts do you want to order. Enjoy a tasty film!

If you have a Festival Pass or an Accreditation and want to book a seat, please click on the "Get Tickets" button and use your access code. Remember that this is a special screening so you don´t have to pay for the ticket, but you need to pay for breakfast (65 SEK).

Do you want to have access to all public screenings during the festival? To get the best experience of Nordisk Panorama you can buy a FESTIVAL PASS (300 SEK) using this link.

If you’re a Larry David type, and thrive on awkward interactions with others, you’ll feel right at home with this programme of shorts. Full of uneasy transactions and confrontations, these films examine the uncomfortable business of challenging friends and talking to strangers. Featuring No Ill Will, about a woman who finds out the hard truth about why an acquaintance has unfriended her on Facebook, and experimental documentary The Stroker, about a company who took on an employee for their ‘touching services’ to boost morale in the workplace.

No Ill Will by Andrias Høgenni

The Stroker by Pilvi Takala

On the Floor by Paolo Nobis Sandén

Who Talks by Elin Övergaard

Reconstruction of a Rented Cabin by Richard Dinter

A Target by Antti Heikki Pesonen

This short film package will also be screened on September 20 at 18:30. To get a ticket for this screening, click on this link.


Here you will find tickets to Nordisk Panorama Film Festival 2024! 

Nordisk Panorama Film Festival is the annual flagship of Nordic documentaries and short films. Since 1990 the festival has screened the best Nordic short films and documentaries in our competitions and special programmes, awarding the very best Nordic documentaries and short films.

Luogo dell'evento

Spegeln C Spegeln C, Stortorget 29, 211 34 Malmö


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