Mystic Braves
Mystic Braves
Från 200,00 SEK
Mystic Braves
Torsdag den 12 maj 2022
19.00 - 23.00, Hus 7
A new era begins for the Californian Mystic Braves, one of the most attractive current bands on the Californian scene. And they open it with 'Pacific Afterglow', without a doubt their consecration album. With this new album, the house brand garage has naturally evolved towards a new 2.0 psychedelia inspired by bands like Parcels, Tame Impala or The Strokes. And they do it leaving the fuzz aside, gaining in luminosity, 80's and 90's sound and more dreamlike atmospheres. The two original members of the band are still Julian Ducatenziler and Shane Stotsenberg, who recorded the album with producer Kyle. Together they have achieved a cleaner, modern, bright and ethereal sound. The new lineup is made up of eight members and has added percussion and two backup singers. It thus represents a new live concept with which Julian wants to achieve a "wider sound" that really aligns with the cosmic tones that characterize 'Pacific Afterglow'.
And this is not the only substantial evolution for the Mystic Braves. As Julian recalls, with the band's earlier recordings: "I usually had the songs already written and the parts in mind that I wanted for everyone. The new record has a more collaborative approach. We really got in there and started from the bottom up. The healthy metamorphosis of the new album will surely leave the public with the same emotion that we feel with each song.' Before its release, the Californians already presented us with four singles: 'Never went away', the song that opens the album, with the collaboration of Brad Bowers from The Growlers and Warbly Jets on bass, a single focused on existential regrets, 'things you could have said and done to change a certain situation' In 'Sundown' his lysergy adopts funk and soul cadences, while 'Lonely heart' gave us an original video clip where a taciturn night cleaner danced alone first and with a girl after. As the band says, 'it's our attempt to sound like Gerry Rafferty (Scottish singer). The song is about complacency and wanting to look forward in life.' The last of the singles they showed us is 'Hanging on' a beautiful road trip starring two lovers from the Californian beaches. For Julian, it is about 'holding on to the memories of a past relationship. The further you go, the more you get caught up. love does not last forever, but in its eternity we will hold on to the good things in life as long as we can'
And so, during the 10 songs that make up 'Pacific Afterglow', Mystic Braves lead their sound journey into a new psychic domain. Welcome to their new world, in which experience and nostalgia take over them but to guide them towards the new era that we all start this 2022.
Konserter och evenemang!
Stockholm, Sverige
Hus 7, Styckmästargatan 10, 121 62 Johanneshov
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Mystic Braves
Från 200,00 SEK