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  • LudoKonst - a festival of experiments in performing arts and games

    Eventet är avslutat

    LudoKonst - a festival of experiments in performing arts and games

    Från Gratis



    26 okt 2023 13:00 - 28 okt 2023 22:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer
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    LudoKonst is an interactive cross-arts festival exploring the intersection of performing arts and games.

    Delivered over three days in the Skövde’s PlayLab, the festival offers a range of performances, workshops and conversations between both local and international makers and creatives.

    Due to PlayLab being a creative workspace, the carefully curated programme consists of work being presented at different stages of development - some have been performed elsewhere, some will receive their world premiere at LudoKonst and others are still work-in-progress where you as the audience can play a crucial role both in the performance and the future life of the work!

    If nothing else is indicated on the ticket, the location for all events will be PlayLab. The primary language at LudoKonst is English.

    LudoKonst is delivered thanks to generous support and collaboration from several partners; Västra Götalandsregionen, Högskolan i Skövde, Skövde Kommun, Folkteatern Göteborg and Inter Art Centre Malmö.

    Please note that specific on-the-day timings are subject to slight change, and some tickets and programme points are still to be released.

    Thursday 26 October

    1300-1500 workshop with the creative team behind Comforter* - an immersive performance for only one person at a time
    *the work will be performed at PlayLab 20-22 Oct, tickets via Folkteatern HERE.
    1800-2000 (several slots) work-in-progress sharing of The Foundling, a new interactive project fusing AR, AI, smell and binaural sound, by Raucous. More about the work HERE.

    The programme will be followed by an informal conversation with the creatives and an opening night refreshment & reflection event.

    Friday 27 October

    1000-1200 (several slots) work-in-progress sharing of The Foundling, a new interactive project fusing AR, AI, smell and binaural sound, by Raucous. More about the work HERE.
    Followed by informal feedback session with the artists.
    1230-1330 Lunchtime conversation with FAUNA Circus and Susanne Hansson, discussing artistic collaboration across mediums and how students can benefit from working with professional artists, with their prototype performance Ec(g)o as a jumping-off point (developed at University of Skövde summer 2023)
    1630-1830 (several slots) Unmet, Disquiet by Jamie Fawcus, Susanne Hansson and Anna Granath, an immersive sound installation and performance using spatialized audio to explore the sonic and emotional properties of the scream.
    1900-1945 MOBILIZED: An essay pretending to be a game by Gabriel Widing and Nea Landin - a participatory performance exploring the power and potential of the smartphone.

    The programme will be followed by conversations with the creatives.

    Saturday 28 October

    1600-1700 workshop Playsing - an entirely non-scary way to create music with any voice, led by LudoKonst producer Therese Ramstedt wearing her performance maker/musician hat. More on Therese’s creative work HERE.
    1800-2100 (several slots): The Prophecies by Operation Opera, an AI-based micro-opera - ask your question and be ready to receive the answer from the divine machinery of our time. Book tickets HERE, and read more about the company and the work HERE.

    The programme will be followed by conversation with the creatives and a closing refreshment & reflection event.



    PlayLab, Eric Ugglas plats 1, 541 50 Skövde

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    Eventet är avslutat

    LudoKonst - a festival of experiments in performing arts and games

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