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Human Connection Workshop (nov)

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Human Connection Workshop (nov)

De SEK 300,00



Nov 25 2020 18:00 - 20:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más



We invite you each month to Human Connection Workshops in Stockholm. 

This workshops are a space for people to meet and connect from the heart in an authentic, vulnerable and playful way. 

We all long for real human connection, but most of the time we hide behind masks. 

This evening we leave all our masks behind and you are welcome just the way you are, to connect with other in just the way they are. 

The exercises during the evening are largely based on tantra, dance & vulnerable sharing. 

During the workshops you will get to: 

*Connect deeper to yourself through self inquiry

*Connect to your body through movement and dance 

*Explore your breath through breathing exercises 

*Meet other from the heart in vulnerable sharings  

*Play and try improvisation theatre 

*Connect to other’s through dance and movement 

*Meditate and ground 

*Come closer to yourself & other people    

This evenings will let you connect, have fun and meet from the heart, one human to another. 

September: Tantra
October: Playfullness 
: Couples tantra workshop (must come with a partner) 
December: Love Ritual Christmas Party 


Nathanel Goldman is a certified tantra teacher. He is on the mission to create more heart connections and deeper vulnerable meetings between people.
He has been running several tantra workshops, teaching at Ängsbacka tantra festival and he runs the podcast Tantra Podden.


300 SEK


Klustret Ekskäret  

Birger Jarlsgatan 58 

(glass doors on the street level) 

Stockholm, Sweden 


18.00 Doors open 

18.15 Doors close 

18.15 workshops starts 

20.30 Workshop ends 

Please be on time, strictly no late arrivals. 


+46 739 89 66 24 


This evenings will contain physical touch with others. 

By attending you are aware that there will be close contact with other people. 

If you feel sick please stay at home. 

Strictly no refunds on bought ticket’s. 

If you can not attend please try to sell your ticket to someone else.  



Ekskaret Klustret Ekskaret Klustret, Birger Jarlsgatan 58, 114 29 Stockholm


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