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Greater CPH Food Hack#2

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Greater CPH Food Hack#2

Von Kostenlos



04. Mai 2018, 16:00 Uhr - 06. Mai 2018, 16:00 Uhr


DTU Skylab and Krinova Incubator & Science Park merges our different competences into a full dedicated 2-step food hack. Join both hacks in 2018 - January and May for the best effect - or just come to one or the other. Hack#1 at Krinova focuses at concepts and ideas and hack#2 at DTU Skylab you can develop your concept even further and make prototypes in our various lab and workshop facilities.

A Food Hack is an innovation competition where large and small food producers, food entrepreneurs, researchers, students and other people with food interest or profession come together to hack food challenges in the spirit of open innovation. It is also an international event that builds a community and network, which makes the hack a neutral venue where students and large and small companies can come together to create solutions to challenges related to food production and consumption.

We think you should join the hack and the competition and stay for the whole weekend to maximize the fun and be part of building the future of food!

- Pitching ideas and networking- Friday FREE

- General registration - Friday -Sunday 375 DKK + administration fee

- Inspirational talks from food entrepreneurs and scientists

- Demo hour, prize-giving ceremony - Sunday FREE

Register: Besides the opportunity to participate in a very exciting hackathon, make new friends and build the future of sustainable foods, the registration fee also includes:

- Food, drink, snacks and fruit throughout the whole weekend

- Overnight accommodation (dorm) at DTU Skylab. Don't forget to bring a bedroll and sleeping bag!

- AND PRIZES for the winners!



DTU Skylab DTU Skylab, Diplomvej, building 373A , 2800 Kgs. Lyngby


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