Francesco Tristano
Francesco Tristano
Från 85,00 SEK
Studio Live & Artificialia presents:
a young musician and composer causing a stir on the club scene as well as in classical concert venues is probably a world-first. It may also be the first time that purists from the classical and techno camps actually agree on something – That they don’t know quite what to make of this young musician who refuses to stick to the rules. For Francesco Tristano this kind of reaction is nothing new. Experienced concert audiences and classical music lovers may feel equally baffled when they hear a pianist blend and mix his own composition – just like a DJ – into a piece by baroque composer Girolamo Frescobaldi.
Tristano tours the world performing baroque and contemporary repertoire; records dance tracks for electronic music labels whilst continuing with his ambitious project of recording all of Johann Sebastian Bach’s piano repertoire; and makes albums woven from his own personal stories in which he explores the sensibility and tonal richness of the piano.
His simultaneous fascination for Bach’s clean tones and the rhythmic pulse of techno; his interest in the complex study of noise, effects and timbres made by composers like Cage or Ligeti; and the need to explore his own imagination through albums such as Idiosynkrasia (2010) or the recent Tokyo Stories (2019), can be traced back to his time as a student at New York’s Juilliard School. As part of the wayward faction of students who, after spending their whole day poring over music theory textbooks and practicing the piano would use the last of their waking hours trawling the city’s techno scene, he discovered Detroit’s most hypnotic export, danced to Danny Tenaglia’s legendary sessions at Twilo and understood that electronic music elicited the kind of ecstasy that fit into his own idea of music, a place with no barriers of style and time.
The intrepidness with Francesco Tristano combines eras and styles, occasionally allowing them to collide, may initially create a baffled response. However, Luxembourg-born Tristano has no aspirations as an agitator. Almost everything he does is an expression of an open-minded attitude which refuses to accept borders and constrictions. Tristano knows all about the interpretational conventions that have shaped generations of classical pianists – and he has chosen to ignore them. He does not seek approval as an artist and when his dynamic performance emotively basks in the intrinsic severity of Old music – that’s when he’s truly radical.
Tristano, born in 1981, discovered the piano at the age of five. Aged 13, he played his first concert, presenting his own compositions. He later toured both as a soloist and with renowned orchestras, such as the Russian National Orchestra, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, and the Hanoi Philharmonic Orchestra among others. Tristano founded his chamber ensemble, The New Bach Players which he also conducts. This ensemble consciously breaks with conventions, using a modern grand piano and old, vibratoless bows on contemporary string instruments.
Check him out at:
Resident Advisor:
DIAMANDY [Friday Lights Music]
Fotografiska's cocktail bar and Studio is a lounge and creative oasis, which turns into a night at the museum with a vibrant cocktail bar and a live scene. We hosted club concepts, dj sets and a variety of release parties within music, photography & film.
To create an unique sound landscape we created a thought of bringing contemporary and futuristic electronica and combine it with harmonistic ambient organica and digital visualization. We have handpicked specific acts from around the world to join us for this specific project together with the best locals support acts from Stockholm to enhance these special nights.
This concept was given the names of ARTIFICIALIA, a mix of art, music and culture that we bring to you as unique late night sets at Studio Live and your favorite museum, Fotografiska.
6 December 2019
20 - 02
Pre tickets 165 Sek
Students [with student ID] 135 Sek
Fotografiska members 85:- [Membership check up]
Tickets will also be sold att the entrance if not sold out.
Studio Live, Fotografiska Stockholm
Stadsgårdshamnen 22
116 45 Stockholm
Psssst.... Need a place to sleep?
Stay at newly opened design hotel Blique by Nobis, use the code FOTOGRAFISKA for 20% discount
Fotografiska, Stadsgårdshamnen 22, 116 45 Stockholm
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Francesco Tristano
Från 85,00 SEK