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Five ways to enhance emotions in therapy: The transforming power of affect - with Dr Leslie Greenberg

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Five ways to enhance emotions in therapy: The transforming power of affect - with Dr Leslie Greenberg

Fra SEK 200,00



21 jan 2021 kl. 14:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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In this webinar, master clinician and founder of emotion-focused therapy (EFT) Leslie Greenberg will share his insights and tips on how to work productively with emotions in psychotherapy.

Emotion processing is rapidly being recognized as a trans-diagnostic process. This webinar will begin with a discussion of emotion processing and provide tips for how to enhance it in therapy. The importance of working with automatically generated amygdala-based emotion, by means of emotional awareness, emotional expression and emotion transformation, will be emphasized. The use of moment by moment process diagnosis to identify adaptive and maladaptive as well as primary and secondary emotions will be discussed. Different ways of enhancing emotion processing will be presented and exemplified with video-taped examples. Participants will be introduced to the skills of moment by moment empathic attunement to affect, following the pain compass, focusing on bodily felt feelings, unblocking of emotions, and re-experiencing the past in the present.

Learning objectives:

- Understand when to activate and when to regulate emotion.

- Learn to identify different types of emotional expression.

- Learn skills to access emotions to make them amenable to change.

- Learn how to change emotion with emotion.

- Understand how to facilitate re-experiencing the past in the present.

Dr. Greenberg is one of the prominent influential figures in the field of psychotherapy research and emotion. He has published numerous articles and co-authored the major books on emotion-focused approaches to psychotherapy, and received several awards for his work.

Time: 21 January 14-17 (02pm - 05pm CET). Online via Zoom. Link for participation via Zoom will be provided.

Price: 800 SEK / Approx 78 EUR. Students 200 SEK. VAT + fee is included.

The webinar is for licensed mental health professionals.
For questions please contact Vegard Hanken at The Swedish Institute of Emotion-Focused Therapy: e-mail: info@sieft.se

You can easily register using the button below.


"Emotion-Focused Therapy is still pushing the field in areas where the mainstream lags." - Steven C. Hayes, PhD.

"There is no doubt that Greenberg is both a pioneer and the field’s premier investigator in the important work of applying the basic research on emotions to the process of psychotherapy… a fabulous compendium of strategies for working with emotions". - Marsha M. Linehan, PhD.

"Truly outstanding work [for] every researcher and practitioner involved with psychotherapy." - David H. Barlow, PhD.

"Leslie Greenberg is the giant in the field of emotion and psychotherapy." - Robert L. Leahy, PhD.

"An exquisite understanding of the role of emotion...a 'must' for psychotherapists of all orientations...The most influential humanistic therapist and researcher of our day." - Louis G. Castonguay, PhD .

"I predict that over the next 30 years, clinicians of all orientations will come to accept it as part of their foundational knowledge base." - Jeremy D. Safran, PhD.


Emotionsfokuserad Terapi visar vägen för hur man aktivt arbetar med känslor i psykoterapi.


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