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Doctoral thesis defence: The Roles of Music in the Well-Being of Autistic Adults

Doctoral thesis defence: The Roles of Music in the Well-Being of Autistic Adults

Från Gratis



15 nov 2024 09:30 - 12:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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We are pleased to announce a public defence of Kaja Korošec's doctoral thesis, which investigates the intersection of music, well-being, and autism. This doctoral project explores how music can support the well-being of autistic adults and their needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence while also highlighting possible music-induced harms, which have so far received little academic attention. In addition to adding new knowledge, the objective of her thesis is to integrate existing knowledge, contributing to a common framework and assessment tools for future research.

More specifically, the thesis is built on three empirical studies, aiming 1) to investigate autistic adults’ personal experiences of music engagement, 2) to explore whether Self-determination theory can be used as a framework to connect the existing knowledge, and 3) to develop a questionnaire assessing how people engage with music to support their well-being.

About what drives her research, she writes:

“Music has held the interest of clinicians and academics in autism research for over eight decades. However, the needs and voices of autistic people have largely been disregarded. There is a pressing need to rethink whether we might be doing any harm with the existing music-based activities or policies and whether the direction that the research is taking is aligned with the needs and wishes of the stakeholders. Moreover, we need to broaden the research focus from seeing autistic people as "recipients" of music or music-based support services towards seeing them as creators of music and considering their cultural citizenship, including possible barriers they are facing when accessing cultural resources. I believe there is much to learn from diverse subjective experiences of art and that this knowledge can help us create a more pluralistic and sustainable society.”

About the doctoral candidate
Kaja Korošec began her journey in music at the age of six, studying violin, and after completing her studies at the Conservatory for Music and Ballet in Maribor, she pursued a master’s degree in psychology at the University of Ljubljana, blending her passions for music and mental health. Kaja has worked as a violin and psychology teacher, performed and taught internationally, and conducted research on the well-being of musicians and people with developmental disabilities.

Opponent: Prof. Emerita Pam Heaton, Goldsmiths University of London

Principal supervisor: Prof. Eva Bojner Horwitz, KMH

Assistant supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Walter Osika, Karolinska Institutet; sr. lec. Anna Backman Bister, KMH

Third-cycle subject area: Medical science

Admitted to: Karolinska Institutet

Candidate: Kaja Korošec


Nathan Milsteinsalen, Valhallavägen 105, 115 51 Stockholm

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Doctoral thesis defence: The Roles of Music in the Well-Being of Autistic Adults

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