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Charity Art Auction

tapahtuma päättyi

Charity Art Auction

Alkaen SEK 490.00



10 Kesä 2023 18:00 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Varaa luottavaisin mielin: Billetto takaa palautukset peruuntuneista tapahtumista, mikä takaa mielenrauhasi. Lue lisää


Dress code: Black tie / smoking ✨ Join us on June 10 for an evening of elegance and luxury at the Charity Art Auction for UNICEF in Stockholm. Experience a world of beauty and artistry as we showcase a unique collection of one-of-a-kind paintings to raise funds for vulnerable children worldwide. Your ticket not only provides you the opportunity to bid on stunning pieces of art, in addition to a live concert with many performances, but also supports UNICEF's mission to provide essential resources, education, and protection to children in need. The Charity Art Auction will take place at the prestigious Hotel At Six and is a celebration of art and social responsibility. Do not miss this unforgettable evening of philanthropy, elegance, and inspiration that will transform the lives of children around the world.

18.00 - Doors open to mingling with a glass of bubbles, and canapés surrounded by the framed artworks in the Social Room

19.00 - Speech in the Main Entertainment Room

19.10 -  Taragalte Fashion Show by Imane Belmkaddem / CEO Stockholm International Fashion Fair  

19.25 - Contemporary Dancer Emelie Boll

19.35 - Swedish Hip Hop by Calle Mantefors

19.45 - Internationally renowned singer Therese Neaimé 

20.00 - Silent auction bidding and mingle in the Social Room

20.30 - Auction closing 

21.00 - Event closing

An evening to celebrate art

This auction is an evening for art lovers and we are pleased to introduce you to the monumental work of painter and visual artist, Alex Colard. He presents his entire collection of twenty-nine large framed paintings. They are architectural, contemporary, and some are two meters. See and reserve them here  Alex Colard .com   

The dress code is black tie / smoking, and only a few tickets are available, so get yours today before they sell out. BC Clinic and  Green Little Heart are providing us with gifts in the goodie bag. They are a hair treatment  company and an online shopping mall with every single imaginable eco-friendly item from beauty to fashion, jewelry, reusable coffee mugs to relaxing teas. Also special thank you to our other sponsor  Bords furniture rental in Lidingö.

In accordance with the painter's wish to support children around the world, a donation of 10000sek will be made to UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund to support children's rights, in addition to 10% of the profits on the entire event. 


UNICEF is the United Nations Children's Fund, working in the world's toughest places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents to protect the rights of every child. Learn more about what UNICEF does to help children survive, thrive, and fulfill their potential at 


Alex Colard was born in France, moved to New York when he was twenty years old.

There he worked in the art and architecture field for eleven years.

He moved to Stockholm in 2017 for Love and decided it was time to start his practice as a professional artist.


Hotel At Six, Brunkebergstorg 6, 111 51 Stockholm

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