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Chanting Circle with Kevin James and Susana

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Chanting Circle with Kevin James and Susana

Von 275,00 SEK



14. Mai 2022, 19:00 Uhr - 21:00


Welcome to an evening with Susana and Kevin James, a chant leader and Shakuhachi flute player from Australia with more than a decade of experience, travelling the world, sharing what he calls Heart songs or Bhakti music in the spirit of universal devotion, oneness, and freedom.

There is room for 150 people. The doors open 18.30. Venue: Stora Salen, Kompani 415, Kviberg, Göteborg. 

Please bring your yogamat / cushion if you wish to sit on the floor! There are chairs available.

The songs and mantras of Kevin James are an invitation to co-create a deep connection to the heart and a positive healing vibration for oneself and the world. Weaving ancient Mantras with his own Heart Songs. They are a gift to the many hearts remembering the ONE, an expression of the movement of realization that is spreading across the planet right now. Kevin’s music is a world fusion of devotional chanting, drawing upon influences from traditional Indian Kirtan, Rainbow Bhajans, Celtic, and Sufi chants mixed with western folk
sounds and world instruments.

"Kevin James’ voice is touching, warm, and loving at each moment – authentic and straight from the heart. He sings for you, he sings to your soul, and you will feel an immediate warm embrace which lets you feel cozy, protected, and within a realm where sorrows have no weight anymore." – Sat Nam Europe

Kevin James is a devotional singer, Shakuhachi flute player, and chant leader from Australia. He travels the world in the spirit of Oneness, with his wife Susana, going where the invitation and heart lead, sharing ancient mantras and chants from various traditions with his own prayers and Heartsongs.

"My intention to assist the movement toward the connection to the heart as a way to find peace and harmony in our lives and the world." Kevin


We spread the word that contributes to vital inner change and empowerment. 


Stora Salen, Kompani 415 Stora Salen, Kompani 415, Marketenterivägen 1, 415 28 GÖTEBORG


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