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Boards Dynamic Capabilities

Boards Dynamic Capabilities

Från Gratis



29 maj 2024 17:00 - 29 jun 2024 18:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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In an era where rapid changes and unprecedented challenges have become the norm, the dynamic capabilities of boards have never been more crucial. These capabilities, particularly in Sensing, Pivoting, and Aligning, serve as the cornerstone for businesses aiming to navigate through the complexities of today’s business environment.

Boards Impact Forum is organizing a webinar on “Boards' Dynamic Capabilities: Developing Board Practices that impact Corporate Renwal and Performance”. This session is designed to shed light on groundbreaking academic research and offer actionable insights into enhancing board effectiveness in guiding strategic rethinking.

Gain insights into the board's pivotal role in steering the business towards innovative thinking and redefined strategies, including sustainability and AI integration, and explore the board capabilities;

· Sensing: Understand how boards can develop a keen sense of anticipation for market trends and emerging threats, laying the groundwork for resilient and adaptable strategies.

  • Pivoting: Explore the art and science behind strategic realignment. Learn how boards can lead pivotal changes that respond to shifts in the business landscape, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.

· Aligning: Dive into the mechanisms through which boards can foster alignment between a company’s strategic goals and its operational execution, particularly in the domains of sustainability and AI.

Over the past few years Professor Emeritus Ludo van der Heyden, a founding leader of the INSEAD Directors Program and NED, together with Professor Mats Magnusson, Royal Institute of Technology & Luiss and board member, has collaborated on academic research focused on the governance of corporate renewal, innovation, and sustainability with Liselotte Engstam, Chair and Fernanda Torre, Operations Director at Boards Impact Forum. Together with Doctorate Candidate and NED Henrik Forzelius a concluding paper “Board Dynamic Capabilities: Developing Board Practices that impact Corporate Renewal and Performancehas been published in a special issue of the Journal of Risk Management dedicated to Corporate Governance and the Board.

Time ;

May 29 at 5-6.30 CET , Board Mandate Required.


· Introductions

  • Insights from Academic Research on “Boards' Dynamic Capabilities”
  • Poll and Breakoutroom Discussions
  • Feedback and Panel Discussion on role of Board in Guiding Business

· Conclusion and Next

Presenters include (more to be announced)

· Professor Ludo Van Der Heyden, INSEAD

· Professor Mats Magnusson, Royal Institute of Technology

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About the Academic Paper;

Ludo Van der Heyden,
Professor Emeritus INSEAD, Independent director

Ludo Van der Heyden is the founding Director of INSEAD’s Corporate Governance Initiative (now Center) and is co-created the International Directors Programme, Modern Governance in Banking, the Value Creation for Owners & Directors and the Advanced Strategies for Directors. He lectures on governance, leadership, team dynamics, fairness in business and society, and innovation.

Ludo was the first holder of the Wendel Chair in the Large Family Firm and of the Solvay Chair in Technological Innovation. He directed the Advanced Management Program, the INSEAD Zentrum Leipzig (1994-98), also was INSEAD Dean (1990-95), and associate Dean for R&D and the first Director of the INSEAD PhD Program (1989-90). He earned several Outstanding MBA Core Teacher Awards, as well as an Outstanding Service Award in Executive Education.

Before joining INSEAD, Ludo was on the faculty of Yale University (1980-1988) and of Harvard University (1978-80). He holds an Engineering Degree in Applied Mathematics from the Université Catholique de Louvain and a Ph.D. Degree from Yale University.

He is Chairman of the Board of Seisquare, a software company for estimating natural resource reserves, and a member of the Advisory Board of Bencis Capital Partners. He was appointed Independent Director in the Supervisory Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine in June 2019.

Mats Magnusson, Professor KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden & LUISS, Italy & Board Member Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and Permanent Visiting Professor at LUISS School of Business and Management in Italy. He holds a PhD in Innovation Engineering and Management and an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from Chalmers University of Technology, as well as a BA in Japanese from the University of Gothenburg. He has previously been Visiting Professor at LUISS University, the University of Bologna, and Aalborg University.

Chairman of the Continuous Innovation Network (CINet). He is a senior advisor of the Creativity and Innovation Management journal, and a co-founder of the Association of Innovation Management Professionals in Sweden.

His research and teaching activities concern continuous innovation, management of ideas and knowledge, innovation networks, strategic management and boards contribution to corporate renewal and sustainability, and he has published articles on these topics in e.g. Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Long Range Planning. Prof Magnusson is a teacher at several international leadership programs in Europe, Japan and China.


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