Art of Hosting Training Karlskrona 2022
Art of Hosting Training Karlskrona 2022
Från 1.500,00 SEK
We are happy to see you joining us for the Art of Hosting Karlskrona training at Mundekulla August 15-18!
Here on Billetto you can book your ticket and accommodation (including food). In order to register for the training you need to select one option for your ticket and one option of accommodation (deciding on number of nights and type of accommodation) - so that makes two Billetto-tickets you need to book per person. You can find an overview and explanation of our ticket options on our website:
Please note again that your registration is only complete once you have done both steps of filling this Google form (you probably did that already) and booking your ticket + accommodation here on billetto.
What is Art of Hosting?
The Art of Hosting and Harvesting conversations that matter is a training that builds our individual and collective capacity to self-organize together, to organize horizontally rather than with vertical hierarchy and to engage with the ways our organizing forms reflect the kinds of paradigms at play in our social structures, organizations, and teams.
The Art of Hosting and Harvesting creates conditions for meaningful conversations, effective democratic practices and learning how to work collaboratively in emergence as ways to move into wiser action together.
Art of Hosting and Harvesting can be applied in various settings including:
Team work and Group Work
Planning and Facilitating Meetings or Events
Visioning and Strategic Planning
Community Organizing
Collaborative Project Planning
Personal and Group Reflection
Innovation Labs
Transdisciplinary work
What will we learn & practice together?
Engage in hands-on practice-based training. This training is an opportunity to step into participatory leadership. We will work on the edge of ‘praxis’ - the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realized through direct application. Learners are trained not only in theories of why participatory methods are important, additionally they learn how to facilitate them. Participants will be invited to co-host participatory methods with the support of the Hosting Team.
Taking a holistic approach. Beginning with understanding the underlying purpose of a gathering, the art of invitation, to planning and accompanying the conversation, and sharing outputs in a useful manner that supports ideas to move into action. This way of working takes into account the preparations before people come together, what happens while they are working together, and how the results of their conversations – the ‘harvest’ – support next steps that are aligned with a group’s purpose and context. We take a strategic view by asking “Why are we gathering? Is this needed? Who needs to be here?” and moving from a place of usefulness.
During the Art of Hosting training we will explore a range of participatory tools, concepts and methods that may include:
Open Space Technology
World Café
Appreciative Inquiry
Designing from purpose
Check In / Check out
Collective Story Harvest
Pro-Action Café
Chaordic Stepping Stones
The Art of Harvesting and strategic planning
And more …
Art of Hosting is an open-source social technology that has been co-created over time. Much of the art and power of the Art of Hosting approach comes not from any individual method but learning to blend and tailor a combination of methods to serve the need and purpose of the unique context a practitioner is working with using an understanding of underlying patterns of process design.
Mundekulla Retreat Center, Mundekulla 101, 361 95 Långasjö
Vanliga frågor
Jag har inte mottagit min biljett via mail. Vad ska jag göra?
Det första du kan göra är att kontrollera din spam/skräppost och mailet hamnat där. Dina biljetter skickades som en bilaga och kan ses som spam eller skräppost av vissa e-posttjänster. Du kan alltid också hitta dina biljetter under fliken "Mina biljetter" när du är inloggad på ditt Billettokonto, antingen på webbläsaren eller i vår app. För mer information, läs här.
Jag önskar avboka min biljett och få biljetten återbetalad. Vad ska jag göra?
Det är arrangören som beslutar om återbetalning av biljetter på deras event. Du bör därför kontakta dem direkt för att höra vilka möjligheterna är just för dig. Du hittar deras mailadress i ditt orderbekräftelsemail eller genom att gå in på deras arrangörssida och klicka på "Kontakta arrangören". För mer information, läs här.
Jag har registrerat mig på väntelistan, vad händer nu?
Om fler biljetter blir tillgängliga kommer du, tillsammans med andra som registrerat sig på väntelistan, att meddelas om detta via mail. Köp av de tillgängliga biljetterna sker därefter enligt först-till-kvarn-principen. För mer information, läs här.
Var hittar jag länken till ett online-event?
Vanligtvis tillhandahåller arrangören av eventet detaljerna i orderbekräftelsen som du mottar via mail efter köp eller så kan det hända att arrangören skickar ett uppföljande mail med en länk till deras online-event. Du kan även kika in på eventsidan där du finner arrangörens beskrivning av eventet. För mer information, läs här.
Vad är avbeställningsförsäkring och varför skulle jag behöva det?
Med avbeställningsförsäkringen kan du vid vissa oförutsedda händelser som hindrar dig att delta i ett eventet, begära en återbetalning. För mer information, läs här.
Art of Hosting Training Karlskrona 2022
Från 1.500,00 SEK