Art of Hosting Training Karlskrona 2020
Art of Hosting Training Karlskrona 2020
Från 3.475,00 SEK
The Invitation
We live in an interconnected world and we are experiencing greater uncertainty, increased complexity and major challenges. The new era is depending on us to promote positive systemic change in our society. As social beings, we have in our hands the capacity to design a new way to cohabit this world by learning how to have meaningful conversations, to co-create and to take wiser actions together.For this year, Art of Hosting will address the need to explore a new collective leadership paradigm. In this paradigm, leaders are shifting from 'me' to 'we', embracing shared values and working towards a higher common purpose. Everyone is a leader. We need everyone's voice, so together we can act in service of the greater whole. This is why we are calling the 11th Art of Hosting Karlskrona training and inviting you to participate in a conversation around the question:How do we move towards a thriving society driven by collective leadership?
We will explore together how meaningful connections can empower authentic, conscious action by the individual and in the collective. Together we will practice participatory leadership in service of learning how to co-create processes that nurture the conditions for people to learn, grow and create a desirable future. We are inviting all who feel called to explore how to build our capacity to move towards a thriving society driven by collective leadership.
Who is it for?
The Art of Hosting Training is for everyone. If you feel called, please be welcome. If you aspire to have conversations that matter to support personal, organisational and communal transformation, or you are simply passionate about participatory leadership, this training is for you.Joining the training, you will connect with experienced facilitators and other people that seek to better serve their communities by developing skills that enable them to co-create and collaborate in creative and meaningful ways. People attending previous Art of Hosting Trainings in Karlskrona came from diverse backgrounds from all over the world. If you are curious to learn more from previous years, you can check out the harvest section here. |
What will we learn & practice together?
Art of Hosting Karlskrona has become an annual three-day training, organized by MSLS students (Master of Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability) on a non-profit basis, and facilitated by international experienced facilitators, in order to learn simple yet powerful practices that build community, activate collective intelligence and foster individual and collaborative leadership in a complex world.This training is experiential - you will have opportunities to practice “hosting” various participatory processes and methodologies, through the lens of the invitation question. The training will support you to host more effective, purposeful meetings, and apply collective intelligence in complex systems. The learning includes:
- Simple and powerful tools for collaboration such as: Circle, World Café, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, Designing for Wiser Action, Collective Story Harvesting and more
- Models and frameworks that are useful for navigating complexity, designing and hosting (facilitating) engaging meetings, processes and organizations.
- The Art of Harvesting - how to visually capture and make sense of meetings and conversations for clarity, learning, growth and wise action.
- Apply what you are learning directly to the change projects that are important to you, your community or organisation
- Join a diverse and supportive global community of practitioners
Blekinge Institute of Technology Blekinge Institute of Technology, Valhallavägen 1, 371 41 Karlskrona
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Art of Hosting Training Karlskrona 2020
Från 3.475,00 SEK