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15. November 2016, 19:30 Uhr - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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AIT Music Production & Goldenzwaig Creative Solutions

prouldy present


Stockholm, Debaser Medis

15 november, 19:30

”Makarevitj är rockstjärna – en av Rysslands största med sånger som har präglat en hel generation. Sedan 1969 är han låtskrivare och solist i Masjina Vremeni (Tidsmaskinen), Rysslands äldsta rockband som fortfarande ger ut nya skivor. Generationer över hela det forna Sovjet växte upp med hans musik, en blandning av blues, rock och rysk folkmusik som inte sågs med blida ögon av de sovjetiska myndigheterna men som spelades överallt på raspiga kassettband och icke utannonserade konserter”.
Anna-Lena Laurén, SvD

”Han är en av Rysslands mest folkkära musiker men har det senaste året kallats både landsförrädare och femtekolonnare: det på grund av sin kritik av Putins Ukraina-politik... Hans kritiska åsikter har kommit tydligt till uttryck i hans senaste låtar. I låten ”Mitt land har tappat förståndet” sjunger han om hur hans hemland gått ut i krig och att han inte kunnat stoppa det.”.
Erik Norbergh, SVT Nyheter

It is no exaggeration to call Andrey Makarevich a national legend.

Makarevich is a front figure and guru for Russian rock music at large. He is the founding memeber and leader of Russia's oldest band Mashina Vremeni (“Time Machine”, since 1969!). MV was the first band in the Soviet Union who started to sing rock in Russian and made the style popular. Their song “Povorot” (”The Turn”) topped the first ever official Soviet chart in 1979, while in 1984-1985 another hit by Makarevich “Muzyka Pod Snegom” (“Music Under The Snow”) topped the chart for 17 months. In perestroika times, when the band was finally allowed to issue LPs, they sold 18 000 000 copies of each album. At the same time, Mashina Vremeni started the first independent musical label in Russia, Sintez Records.

Along playing with Mashina Vremeni, Makarevich also released eight solo albums, started several solo projects and hosted regular TV shows on the national television. He authored several poetry collections.Moreover, Makarevich was invited to record with ex-USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev for his solo album in 2009

In 2014, Andrey Makarevich became one of the frontfigures of the anti-war stance in Russia.He openly condemned Russian occupation of Crimea and gave a concert in the part of Donbass region controlled by Ukraine, for the benefit of internally displaced children. Makarevich’s independent position on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict caused him a lot of trouble. The state-controlled NTV channel publically condemned the artist as a ”traitor”. His concerts in Russia, outside Moscow, were canceled by the authorities.

Today, Andrey Makarevich is famous for his humanistic standpoint, as much as for brilliant songs and lyrics. He continues working and touring with Mashina Vremeni and his solo projects all over the world.

Andrey Makarevich’s program “Your 5” is largely based on Mashina Vremeni’s and his own songs that every Russian speaker knows by heart. Makarevich performs together with his famous countrymen Evgeny Borets (piano), Sergey Hootas (bass), David Tkebuchava (drums) and Timur Nekrasov (brass): crème de la crème of the Russian jazz scene.

The one and only Scandinavian show within the European tour will take place at Debaser Medis in Stockholm. Come and hear the legendary voice of Russian rock!



Welcome friend! 

AIT Music Production & Goldenzwaig Creative Solutions are partner companies, active in Sweden and Finland since the early 2010s. Music is our passion and audience's best possible experience is our top priority. 
Laibach, Okean Elzy, Little Big, Helen Marnie/Ladytron, Kazka, Boombox, Vopli Vidopliassova, Boris Grebenshikov,  Andrey Makarevich, Splean, Jay-Jay Johanson, The Legendary Pink Dots, Alexander Hacke/Einstürzende Neubauten,  Noize MC & Monetochka, Trubetskoy, Onuka, Alyona Alyona are just a few of the great artists we had an honour to present on Scandinavia's best stages. We know <nearly!> everything about the Eastern European scenes - and many more.

Let us make your concert experience unique and welcome to the show!


Debaser Medis, Medborgarplatsen 8, 11826 Stockholm


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