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5th Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare

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5th Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare

De SEK 2,200,00



Oct 11 2023 09:00 - Oct 12 2023 00:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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On October 11th, NCSH is welcoming you to the 5th Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare. This is a one-day conference with side events happening the day before and after.

We are gathering frontrunners in the up-and-coming industry and ecosystem of sustainable healthcare from across Europe: hospitals, the public sector, companies, clusters, public procurers, trade organisations, NGOs, universities and more.

The Conference programme will give you insights into the most topical themes – from energy efficiency and sustainable procurement, to achieving net-zero healthcare and supporting the rebuilding of Ukraine.

Find the programme and other details about the Conference here:

Speakers from Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthcare, UN-SPHS/ UNDP, Region Stockholm, Sykehusbygg HF, Business Finland, Region Skåne, Sida, the Swedish Energy Agency, Sykehusinnkjøp HF, NHS England (Greener NHS), The Netherlands Embassy in Sweden, Dutch Life Sciences & Health Sector, Health Proc Europe, Green Innovation Group, Politecnico di Torino, LINK Arkitektur, Health Care Without Harm, Swecare, Doctors for the Environment Skåne, Sunnaas sykehus, MAMTA HIMC, Belok (CIT Energy Management), IHDA, Lund University, LM International, Medclair, Lojer Group, FrostPharma, NuGreen and others will join us on stage.

Reserve your spot today to participate!

NCSH members and public sector participants get a 50 % price discount on the ticket fee.

Date: 11 October 2023
Time: 09.00–17.15 CET, arrivals from 08.00.
Location: Malmö Arena, Hyllie (Sweden). Excellent localities next to train connections and Copenhagen Airport.

After party & Dinner

18.30 until late:
After party & Dinner at medley in Malmö (Södra Promenaden 51), included in your ticket.

Tag along on a guided walking tour through the centre of Malmö city, from Malmö Central station to the party at medley's! Take the train from Hyllie to the Central station right after the conference finishes at 17.15.

Register to the side events

October 10th

Exclusive Mingle Buffet at Rådhuset in Malmö

Hosted by Malmö stad

October 12th

Researcher Networking Seminar: The Future of Sustainable Health Care Environments

Hosted by Lund University

Study Visit to the New Service Building at SUS (Skåne University Hospital)
Hosted by Region Skåne

Invitation to Market Dialogue for Environmental Labelling of Medical Supplies
Organised by The Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust (NHPT), Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Danish Regions: The Regions Joint Procurement, The National Secretariat for Sustainable Public Procurement, Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) and The Norwegian National Supplier Development Programme (LUP).

Please contact for more information and assistance.


The Conference will be held in excellent facilities in Malmö – close to Copenhagen Airport (Kastrup) and train connections. For campaign ROOM RESERVATIONS at Malmö Arena Hotel, please use the following link:

NCSH (Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare) is a global network with more than 130 members from 18 different countries, dedicated to the sustainable transformation of the healthcare sector. Among its members are MNCs, SMEs, hospitals, regions, universities, and clusters.


Malmö Arena Hotel, Hyllie Boulevard 12, 215 32 Malmö


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