Yiddish Film Weekend
Yiddish Film Weekend
Ab 100,00 SEK
Saturday 6/4
19:00-20:30 Creating a Golden Age of Yiddish Cinema
(1937, 90 min., Yiddish with English subtitles, USA), dir: Sidney Goldin and Ilya Moteleff.
Writer Louis Freeman developed a screenplay based on singer/cantor Moishe Oysher’s life story. Oysher, who was arguably one of the most popular cantors of his day, had left his home in Eastern Europe to attain recognition in America. This movie, infused with Oysher’s rich voice, was the last film made by the grandfather of the Yiddish cinema, Sidney Goldin.
21:00-23:00 Adaptation from the Yiddish Classics
Havdala, film, talk
(1997, 93 min., Hebrew with English subtitles, Israel), dir: Yossi Somer
Israeli writers Eyal Sher and Yossi Somer adapted S. Anski’s literary classic “The Dybbuk” into a modern story, set in Jerusalem. The 1937 Yiddish film classic finds new meaning in this adaptation when Somer transfers this magnificent drama of unrequited adulation, mysticism and superstition into a powerful contemporary story of a young couple, very much attached to each other, undeterred by forces around them from transcending all obstacles to consummate their love. Starring Yehezkel Lazarov & Ayelet Zurer.
Talk with director Yossi Somer
Sunday 7/4
11:00- 13:00 The Legacy of Sholem Aleichem’s Tevye der Milkhiker
TEVYE DER MILKHIKER (TEVYE THE DAIRYMAN) (1939, 93 min., Yiddish with English subtitles, USA), dir: Maurice Schwartz
The adaptation of Sholem Aleichem's now classic story, made decades before "Fiddler On The Roof," in which one of the daughters, Khave, falls in love with and marries a Gentile. This intermarriage places Tevye's paternal affection in direct conflict with his deep commitment to religious tradition. The film was shot on Long Island, New York, but it truly looks like Ukraine. With Maurice Schwartz as Tevye. Also starring Miriam Riselle and Leon Liebgold.
Speaker: Dr. Eric Goldman, Yiddish Film Historian
13:00-14:00 lunch break
14:00- 16:00
Yiddish Literature through Cinema
(2018, 76 min., Hebrew, English & Yiddish- English subtitles, Israel) dir: Uri Barbash
This film, made eight years after the death of Sutskever, considered one of the greatest Yiddish poets of all time, incorporates his life story with his work. The man who led the Paper Brigade underground movement that saved Jewish manuscripts from the Nazis, survived the war due to Stalin sending a private rescue plane, testified in the Nuremburg Trials, and immigrated to Israel in 1947 where he promoted Yiddish culture, while writing with astonishing intensity.
Talk with Producer Yair Qedar
16:00-16:30 Intermission
16:30 -19:00 Toward a Renaissance of Yiddish Cinema- An Encounter with Emmanuel Finkiel
VOYAGES (1999, 115 min., French and Yiddish with English subtitles, France) dir: Emanuel Finkiel
Emmanuel Finkiel is a child of Holocaust survivors, who is one of the few filmmakers today who has a deep love for Yiddish language and culture and who has represented that in some of his work, most recently inserting a Jewish character who sings a Yiddish lullaby in LA DOULEUR (2017), a film based on the novel by Marguerite Duras. We will have an opportunity to watch representative films and meet the French filmmaker, who will discuss his work, in conversation with Dr. Goldman.
This is a movie with three separate intersecting stories, loosely tied together, of three Holocaust survivors as they travel the world in search of different kinds of closure. In one, Rivka confronts her loveless life that had been her existence. In the next, Régine is reunited after fifty years, with a man claiming to be her father. The last segment has Vera traveling from Moscow to Israel, in search of a lost cousin. Winner of the César for best first film.
Talk with director Emmanuel Finkiel
19:00-20:00 intermission
20:00 - 22:00 “Yidl mitn Fidl” and the Klezmer Heritage (With Klezmer music presentation)
YIDL MITN FIDL (1936, 92 min., Yiddish with English subtitles, Poland) dir: Joseph Green and Jan Nowina-Przybylski.
Joseph Green returned to his native Poland from the United States to make a film that would usher in “The Golden Age of Yiddish Cinema,” which would continue until the outbreak of the war. Molly Picon flew in from Paris to play a young woman who poses as a man in order to join a band of musicians traveling the Polish countryside. Yidl falls in love with one of her colleagues with delightfully humorous results. Filled with music and charm, Molly, in her greatest role, amuses and entertains. Also with Simche Fostel, Max Bozyk and Leon Liebgold.
Speaker: Dr. Eric Goldman
I samarbete med Jiddisch Sällskapet. Tack till SFI, Kulturrådet, Stockholms Stad, Region Stockholm.
Filmhuset, Filmhuset, 115 53 Stockholm
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Yiddish Film Weekend
Ab 100,00 SEK