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  • Wed, Dec 4, Gothenburg English Comedy Night

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    Wed, Dec 4, Gothenburg English Comedy Night

    Ab 175,00 SEK



    04. Dezember 2019, 20:00 Uhr - 22:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Join us for the Xmas Special of Gothenburg English Comedy Night on Wed, Dec 4 at Scandic Rubinen! More stand-up comics come to Gothenburg to entertain you in English.

    This show welcomes 3 acts! Adam Fields (UK), Michael Jäger (Germany) & Neil Robinson (Canada)  

    + your Host MC Joe Eagan (Canada) who is also doing is (in)famous PowerPoint comedy show about being an expat in Sweden - not to miss! :)

    The entire show is in English

    When: Wed, Dec 4, showtime 20.00 sharp in 2nd floor comedy room (pre-show mingle from 19.00 onwards in lobby bar) 

    Show duration is approx 2 hrs and includes a break 

    Where: Scandic Rubinen, Kungsportsavenyen 24, Map: https://goo.gl/maps/gooHo7jD1K22 

    Earlybird single ticket = 175 sek (only 50 earlybird tickets on sale until they sell out). 


    -> 1 drink voucher for 1 glass wine/beer alt. non-alc drink. 
    -> Entry to see the comedy show.

    Single ticket = 195 sek and INCLUDES:

    -> 1 drink voucher for 1 glass wine/beer alt. non-alc drink.
    -> Entry to see the comedy show.

    2-person promo! = 360 sek and INCLUDES:

    -> 2 drink vouchers for 2 glasses wine/beer alt. non-alc drinks.
    -> Entry to see the comedy show for 2 people.

    Buying an earlybird, single or 2-person promo ticket is the only way to enter and see the show.

    Adam Fields (UK) - Adam’s performances are peppered with spontaneous wit and schizophrenic leaps into other personalities. A lively and visual comic with well-crafted routines that consistently induce hard and fast laughter. Adam has worked with some of the world’s top comedians and was even the support act for British stand-up legend Jack Dee on his recent European tour.

    Michael Jäger (Germany) - Michael is known as one of the fastest rising stars on continental Europe and is taking comedy clubs throughout the region by storm. Michael is fresh off starring in a number of shows on the Luxembourg Comedy Festival. By day he sometimes dabbles in boat captaining for tourists in Amsterdam and is legendary for incorporating comedy into his tours.

    Neil Robinson (Canada) - Neil is a comedian with credits to his name such as Boom Chicago and Hague Comedy Festival, This Canadian lost in Holland is one of the foremost expat comedians on the European circuit and probably the nicest person you've ever met.

    Then we are back on Feb 5, 2020 with more comics from around the world!

    Hire comics for company events/parties/quiz & teambuilding events, see: www.internationalcomedians.com

    Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/standupgothenburg/


    Welcome to Joe Eagan Comedy Productions - offering Stand-up Comedy and Quiz & Games entertainment for corporate events & parties throughout Europe, and running monthly English comedy clubs in Malmö, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Eindhoven, Luxembourg and The Hague. Find out more at www.joestandup.com


    Scandic Rubinen, Kungsportsavenyen 24, 400 14 Göteborg


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    Wed, Dec 4, Gothenburg English Comedy Night

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