Water Blessing Concert with Mamas of Pearl
Water Blessing Concert with Mamas of Pearl
Ab 250,00 SEK
You are hereby invited to an evening of music, singing and celebration of the sacred water
and mama nature, in the magical place of Solhälla Temple.
You are welcome to sing with us, or just sit back, receive and enjoy.
To honour the water, we encourage you to come in either white, or water coloured clothes.
Links for our music:
Ritschas da l'aua (a Swiss water blessing song):
Water: https://youtu.be/PNg2vl1lpJY
Sol y luna (an ode to the sun, the moon and the creative powers):
The Letter (based on a poem by RUMI):
Solhälla is a living community and Retreat Place that is based on the devotion to preserve and develop the natural ressources given to us by mother nature in the form of the sacred land of Solhälla.
The Solhälla healing spirit is a deep, wise and peaceful spirit that has touched hundreds of people through our meditation retreats, concerts and ceremonial work that take place on this sacred land for many years.
It is located directly by the magic lake Hällungen, surrounded by forests and many beautiful friends
and always worth a visit.
At all our concerts, we offer organic food and drinks 2 hours before the start, and you can also visit our shop with regional handicrafts, incense and many other beautiful things.
There is also accommodation available if booked in advance.
Children are welcome and have free entry up to the age of 14.
Solhälla, Oscarshem 215, 444 97 Svenshögen
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Water Blessing Concert with Mamas of Pearl
Ab 250,00 SEK