Theodor Herzl and the Emergence of Zionism
Theodor Herzl and the Emergence of Zionism
Ab 100,00 SEK
J! Seminar
Theodor Herzl and The Emergence of Zionism
Anita Shapira, Israel
Moderator: Göran Rosenberg
Söndag 7 april kl. 16:00-17:30
Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12/hiss från Jakobsgatn 27c
Varmt välkomna.
On the occasion of the Swedish publication of Theodor Herzl's Altneuland (Faethon bokförlag) we are happy to present a seminar with focus on Theodor Herzl and the Emergece of Zionism.
Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) was the founder and president of the Zionist Organization, the modern political movement to establish an independent Jewish state. A successful Viennese journalist and playwright, Herzl published his Zionist manifesto The Jewish State (“Der Judenstaat”) in 1896. The following year, he convened the first Zionist Congress with the aim of taking practical steps to establish the Jewish state. Herzl led the Zionist Organization for seven years until his death in 1904 at age 44.
One of the most influential contemporary historians in the field of twentieth-century Jewish and Israeli history, Anita Shapira helped to lay the foundations of Israeli historiography and launch the discipline of Israel Studies. Born in Warsaw in 1940, Shapiro immigrated to Mandate Palestine in 1947 with her adoptive parents after her birth parents perished in the Holocaust. After earning her PhD in history, she published her breakthrough biography of Labor Zionist leader Berl Katznelson; the book had an enormous impact and turned Shapira into the “princess of Zionism.” Her most important work is Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948. a sprawling investigation of the revolutionary transformation of the Jewish national ethos with regard to the use of force.
Göran Rosenberg är författare, journalist och samhällsdebatör. 2012 tilldelades han Augustpriset för Ett kort uppehåll på vägen från Auschwitz. Han har bl.a. också fått stora journalistpriset, publicistklubbens stora pris, och Gerhard Bonniers prise för kulturjournalistik. Hans senase bok Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis obesvarage kärlek kom ut 2021..
Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12/hiss från Jakobsgatan 27c, 11152 Stockholm
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Theodor Herzl and the Emergence of Zionism
Ab 100,00 SEK