The Minority Report - Bylgja Babýlons and Jonathan Duffy
The Minority Report - Bylgja Babýlons and Jonathan Duffy
Ab 100,00 SEK
Gothenburg Fringe Festival presents:
The Minority Report, Bylgja Babýlons and Jonathan Duffy
Venue: Henriksberg
Age: 18 +
Bylgja Babylons grew up in the frigid landscapes of northern Iceland and Jonathan Duffy came from the sunny shores of Australia. They couldn’t be more different from each other except for the fact that in the comedy world, a world mostly dominated by straight white men they are considered a minority - hence the title (and yes they are aware they’re both white). The pair are main stayers on the Reykjavik comedy scene and have teamed up for this hour of laughs. Join them as they cover topics like whether or not women are funny, what it’s like learning Icelandic as a foreigner and other important things, like the guys they've banged.
This is a premiere for Sweden that will make you laugh so much you might pee a little.
Gothenburg Fringe festival 1-4 september 2017. 15 venues located from Ringön to Klippan with Majorna in focus. 124 performances from 25 countries. Please view full program here:
Gothenburg Fringe begins its quest to bring you brilliant performing arts around the year with our showcase on 4-6 March 2022!
And with our main event on 7-11 September, there's something for everyone at Gothenburg Fringe with theatre, music, dance, comedy, improv, installations and much more to enjoy.
Henriksberg, Stigbergsliden 7, 414 63 Göteborg
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The Minority Report - Bylgja Babýlons and Jonathan Duffy
Ab 100,00 SEK