Sun 21/4 - Exclusive Fried Rice Easter Party at Kasai in STHLM
Sun 21/4 - Exclusive Fried Rice Easter Party at Kasai in STHLM
Ab 180,00 SEK
Exclusive Asian Easter Party at Kasai – Asian Soccer Cup Afterparty
► Kasai – Ochaya @ Linnégatan 18
► Age: 18
★ ☆ ★KASAI – Exclusive club★ ☆ ★
Fried Rice proudly presents Kasai – Ochaya as our latest event partner. Kasai is an exclusive Japanese dinner club in Stockholm (Östermalm). We promise you an exclusive venue of high international standard, shows and happening never seen in Fried Rice events before! There will be limited tickets and we can’t promise that you will get in if you decide last minute to this event so our tips to you is to buy them online ASAP.
★ ☆ ★Dj NELSON DIOR★ ☆ ★
D from Amsterdam, born and raised in the Netherlands with roots in Hong Kong who started in the music industry as a professional breakdancer. Nelson Dior has established himself in various infamous bars in Chinatown and the Redlight District and started to expand his international pressence overseas from the UK to South East Asia and China.
★ ☆ ★Peformances ★ ☆ ★
We have booked amazing and never on Fried Rice seen before performances at this event! We have an acrobat and a violinist among other entertainment at this party, be ready to experience FR history!
★ ☆ ★Fried Rice Asian Cup★ ☆ ★
On Easter Sunday its Stockholm’s turn to host our annual Futsal tournament.
Join us at the tournament and support your teams! This year we have a lot of interest and we believe there will be 16 teams competing for the top spot!
We will celebrate our winners at the big after party!
★★★VIP PACKAGE AFTERPARTY or Birthday celebrations?★★★
Interested in sitting down and standing out? Skipping the line and partying like a star?
Email Vincent@FriedRice for more info
Disclaimer: Although we try hard to keep the information accurate, we are NOT responsible for any errors or misprint that occurs and we are NOT responsible for ANY damage or liability that result from the use (or misuse) of the information.
Kasai, Linnégatan 18, 114 47 Stockholm
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Falls mehr Tickets verfügbar werden, wirst du benachrichtigt (per Email), sowie andere der Liste beigetreten sind. Käufe finden auf einer First-come-first-serve Basis statt. Für mehr Information, hier lesen.
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Erstattungsschutz sichert dich ab, falls unvorhergesehene und unumgängliche Umstände dich daran hindern, am Event teilzunehmen. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.
Sun 21/4 - Exclusive Fried Rice Easter Party at Kasai in STHLM
Ab 180,00 SEK