Skaiv: There are no more four seasons + Augustin
Skaiv: There are no more four seasons + Augustin
Ab 100,00 SEK
Doors open 19.30
Tickets via Billetto 150 SEK (+fee) student 100/member 120) at the entrance 180 SEK, student 120/member 140, pay with card/swish.
No age limit, non-alcohol event. Alcohol, vaping/smoking is prohibited in the basement.
Augustin live 20.15
There are no more four seasons live 21
The violinist George Kentros and the electronic composer Mattias Petersson comprise the duo there are no more four seasons (, which takes historical musical works and applies contemporary strategies in order to ask what these pieces might have sounded like if they had been composed today. Their self-titled debut CD from 2008 was named one of the ten best classical recordings of the decade by the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter and the duo have gone on to recompose works by among others Ravel, Biber, and Johan Strauss Jr. and perform them in concert halls, underground clubs and electronic festivals. Stockholm-based Mattias Petersson works as a composer and musician for electronic instruments. He works mainly within the realm of experimental electronic music and sound art and has also been involved in the pop scene. The experimental violinist George Kentros has performed as a chamber musician, soloist, and actor across Europe and the US, Central America, Oceania and Japan. He also founded an avantgarde club for new art, SEKT, and has worked among other things as an artistic researcher at the Royal Stockholm College of Music and Mejan.
Augustin är namnet på Christian Augustins elektroniska soloprojekt (tidigare DJ Scheißefritz). Han kommer under kvällen framföra tre SuperCollider-stycken i gränslandet mellan komposition, slump och improvisation.
Folkungakyrkan, Folkungagatan 90, 116 22 Stockholm
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Skaiv: There are no more four seasons + Augustin
Ab 100,00 SEK